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How to endure?

She eats 5 times a day & snacks in between. She is a sugar addict. Has type 2 diabetes. Whines about her in ability to control her behavior & the results of her bad choices. I can not be friends with her any longer. Would you? Could you?

Mooolah 8 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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She's slowly killing herself, does she have a mental health problem?

Don't we all? Tsk tsk.


Either do something to change or STFU...I can proudly say i never whined when I was married to the 2 assholes, it just seemed so stupid to me..and would make me look stupid.


Run, don’t walk. Especially if she is hitting you up to support her decent into illness.

I am gently removing myself from contact. I can only change myself.


Sounds like you just described my late Mother in Law

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