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LINK How Redditors Exposed The Stock Market | The Problem With Jon Stewart | Apple TV+ - YouTube

Fascinating! As an investor, (not with Robinhood) I always knew that it is just a huge, legalized gambling operation. More akin to table games or horse racing than slot machines, in that you do have discretion as to what you invest in and information to base it on. But of course, like any gambling, the advantage always goes to the house. And those with the biggest stakes have the most control.

Barnie2years 8 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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You want even more fun trade commodities! In the early 1980's I had an account with Squab and made some money with stocks, not a lot but it helped when the printing industry went all computer and offset camera operators were no long needed. I had some money saved.
In the early 1990s I met a commmodities broker made some money, lost some money but in the end was a little bit ahead. But you really need to pay attention.
As more and more people were getting into the markets and trading became so fast just did not have the time to research and focus.
When Clinton repealed the Glass Steagall Act I knew we were in for some big trouble. Even though many think the act would not have stopped the credit default swaps from crashing everything. Who knows.
I knew there was something going on and not until watching this episode did I know the back story on the markets. WOW!

I trade stocks, but it’s a small part of my overall finances. I am well aware that it’s just another form of gambling, with the big players having access to way more inside knowledge, and by the time I would get the news, they are already done trading. That and day traders have totally skewered the market, so that actual company financial results are only a small part of the daily stock movement.

@Barnie2years Yeah it was soybeans that made me get the heck out of trading commodities but feeder cattle saved me from posting a lose for the year on my income tax forms.
You're correct the trading in either arena is so fast now we little guys can not compete.

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