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Ladies and Gentlemen this has been an announcement from the ministry of the bleeding obvious.

When the answer is for capitalism to end and the only people who can make that happen are the ultra capitalists...


To a capitalist culling the masses is a more pragmatic idea than making do with less.

Jonathan Swift warned us it would come to this in his 1729, "A Modest Proposal", a satire in which he for saw the capitalist Patricians literally consuming the offspring of the poor plebeians as a luxury food, leading to profitable business ventures factory farming lesser humans (like the Irish) to keep the price affordable, and prisons could be made profitable as combined factory farms and brothels.
He saw many other benefits to this acceptable to both church and state
It reduced the need for welfare, as all humans can breed
so why not pay them to do so and reduce unemployment and over population.
It would end the practice of voluntary abortion and contraception to the delight of the clergy.
Exporting of quality human children would be less cruel and also human as any infant under the age of 12 could be slaughtered and butchered to order at the point of sale, and children over twelve (when the meat starts to toughen) can be sold as breeding stock.
It would reinvigorate the retail, farming and hospitality industry.
It would End illegal immigration as no one would want to come in to any country practicing it.

300 years later and I am just waiting for MAGA Trumpists to rediscover the satire and adopt it as policy


A capitalist based society can not sustain itself into eternity. The competition for a diminishing resource supplies leads to conflict which then leads to decimation. It all pivots on resources which by definition capitalism must garner the most at the least cost to one's tribe. What disturbs me the most is that I am witnessing it in my lifetime. With the crash of amphibians & bird populations worldwide apparent here in my rural setting, the delinking of our eco chain only confirms my depressive outlook . But then I think, the planet has crashed & burned prior, we are of no consequence except to that which we love, so into the great compost pile I go as 95+% has gone before me. I mean nothing in the great context. A muon in the context of the universe. Except for the damage I have done, with or without the aid of capitalism. Forced to buy plastic. Forced to choose franken food. Forced to carry a zygote to term. So today I will enjoy my narcissis, anemones and the fox sparrow that is here.

Ah, but twas ever thus.

And maybe all this was apparent long ago, but I drew inspiration from Buck Fuller's optimism that the pirates (oligarchs) would give way in the face of technology that enables doing more with less. Also, there are other resources to replace those we've used up; asteroid mining could become a thing. We haven't had a decent innovation in our physics in 100 years and we're overdue. We may at last grasp how to use zero-point energy and/or anti-gravity...


Well, I just finished doing a statistic thing about how long one should live according to their birth year and where you live. According to mine, I should live to about 86 years old, another 16 years. I'll be 86, if I live that long, in 2040. So, I guess that will be the end of the road for me.


Alrighty then! Because not much has changed since.......

They accounted for changes when looking back at the research


Also, there's this:


I'm wagering the MIT study did not and could not anticipate the advent of robotics, AI, and the advance of both computer technology and, frankly, most other technological arenas. It also can't accurately predict the effects of climate change and global shifts in population due to famine, disease, etc.

They looked back at the research and accounted for changes

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