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Julia's prom dress that I'm altering.

Julia, the girl I'm mentoring, surprised me with this senior prom dress she chose. I thought she would choose a demure dress as a shy, modest, Catholic girl who has never dated. Her parents are Mexican immigrants who protect their girls.

"VA-VA-VOOM!" I exclaimed when she tried it on for me. "Wow! You look wonderful!"

With sewing skills, I am shortening the straps and hemming the dress for her.

As Julia wrote in her personal essay:

"I got a job at Sweetwood BBQ and joined a gym in February 2023. My cousin is a personal weight trainer. He taught me to lift weights and create a workout plan. Six days a week I lift weights and get aerobic exercise.

"As a result, I lost over 30 pounds and increased muscle. I became more happy, confident and secure. Making friends, connecting with people, and talking with customers became easier. "You are glowing!" people say. I grew from a shy, hesitant girl into the kind, determined young woman I want to become."

"Once established in my nursing career, I hope to volunteer for Doctors Without Borders and work as a nurse at a rural, impoverished Native American reservation."

Normally she's swimming in too-big clothes. "I'm going to the prom with friends," Julia said.

LiterateHiker 9 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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The spunk Julia is showing is going to get her a long way. Nursing is difficult (I just retired from hospital pharmacy after 40+ years and got to know a lot of nurses) and MSF is even harder-they see some of the worst you can imagine. With the drive you're showing you're going to go a long way. You can do it. Good Luck.


What does MFS stand for in the medical world?

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) or Doctors Without Borders?

In my world, it stand for Master of Fine Arts degree.

@LiterateHiker doctors without borders. Médecins Sans Frontières is the actual name. Was founded in Paris thus the french name. Now headquartered in Geneva. I listen to a lot of international radio and everybody uses MSF so I'm just used to using it.


Thank you.

It's amazing how taking control of our health and fitness can lead to such profound changes in confidence and self-esteem. I remember a similar experience when I decided to prioritize my well-being and started hitting the gym regularly. It wasn't just about physical changes; it was about feeling empowered and embracing a new level of self-assurance. And hey, speaking of transformations, if Julia ever needs a wardrobe upgrade for her newfound confidence, she might want to check out aaa replicas. They've got some stunning pieces that could complement her newfound glow perfectly.


It's a beautiful dress, which I am quite sure you will make even more gorgeous for Julia. She sounds like a lovely young woman.


When you have some support and encouragement, wonderful things can happen. 🙂

Beautiful dress. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Mar 24, 2024

Nice work, as always.


I still have the hem and skinny straps to do.

@LiterateHiker, looks great though.

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