A post from a member who compared a god to a dictator inspired me to compare tRUMP to an overbearing god making executive decisions during his rule of the land over the black, brown and other than white skinned people. Just like slavery.
Satan lies. He is the father of all lies.
“When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
~ Jesus
Donald Trump lies. He lies about his lies. He lies about the lies he lied about. When he lies, he speaks his native language.
Ergo… Donald Trump is Satan.
If you believe in the theory of evolution all animals of the same specie can
vary in color and color patterns and the same is true with the human species.
Evolution has adapted people that live part of the world they live in that is
the reason human beings have different colored skin but genetically our
DNA is same many people realize this is why we have so many interracial marriages
big variation in people is their temperament which is learn from their parents or
their environment. Little kids and babies of all races play well together.