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LINK Biden says U.S. won't transfer offensive weapons if Israel invades Rafah -- NBC News

Israel is demanding that the southern Gaza city be walled off from a cease-fire deal with Hamas, according to four current and one former U.S. officials familiar with the discussions.

May 8, 2024, 3:39 PM PDT / Updated May 9, 2024, 12:25 AM PDT
By Megan Lebowitz and Caryn Littler

President Joe Biden said Wednesday the U.S. would not supply Israel with certain weapons and artillery shells if its military invades Rafah, a city in southern Gaza where more than 1 million people are sheltering.

If the Israeli military launches a ground offensive in Rafah, the administration will not supply “the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities,” Biden said in an interview on CNN.

“We’re not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells used,” Biden said.

The move would mark a shift in U.S. policy toward the war, though Biden said the U.S. would "continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks."

Biden also said Israel has used the 2,000-pound bombs — the type his administration halted in a planned shipment last week — to kill Palestinian civilians.

“Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” he said when he was asked about the paused shipment of U.S. weapons to Israel.

NBC News has reported that the White House halted a shipment of offensive weapons last week that included 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs, according to a senior administration official.

An Israeli official told NBC News there was deep frustration in the Israeli government over the decision as Israel's military prepares to launch an expected ground offensive in Rafah.

The country's ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, said the U.S. pause was “a very disappointing decision, even frustrating.” He suggested in an interview with Israeli Channel 12 TV news that the move stemmed from domestic political pressure on Biden.

Israel's right-wing national security minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, offered a more hardline reaction. "Hamas ❤️ Biden," he said in a post on X that drew swift criticism from Israel's opposition leader, Yair Lapid, and others.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said the country's military would enter the city “with or without” a deal with Hamas.

Israel demands that Rafah be walled off from a cease-fire deal, according to four current and one former U.S. officials familiar with the discussions.

Netanyahu’s government refuses to agree to a deal unless it can move forward with military operations in Rafah, even during a cease-fire, the officials said.

An Israeli official denied that characterization, citing recent remarks by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who said, "This operation will continue until we eliminate Hamas in the Rafah area and the entire Gaza Strip or until the first hostage returns."

Biden has reiterated his opposition to the Rafah offensive in calls with Netanyahu, according to White House readouts of their ' conversations.

Biden also touched on his administration's work with Arab states regarding the Israel-Hamas war, saying in the CNN interview that "five leaders in the Arab community were prepared to help rebuild Gaza, prepared to help transition to a two-state solution."

Asked for clarity about whether the leaders would help govern the area, Biden said they would work to "maintain the security and peace while they're working out a Palestinian Authority that's real and not corrupt."

snytiger6 9 May 9

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Well, certainly a ... gesture. Won't make any real difference though. And there's no actual change of policy here as Biden said they would "maintain the security and peace while they're working out a Palestinian Authority that's real and not corrupt." IE the US and Israel will continue to decide who administers occupied Palestine, not the Palestinians. It's like shipping fewer cannisters of Zyklon B to Auschwitz and claiming it's a humanitarian gesture. Might fool some Dems, not going to fool anyone else.


About time, not that it will stop the Death Dealers controlling the military. They won’t be happy until they have killed off an entire generation of Palestinians.


I for one am glad to see there are limits to Biden's support of Israel. Granted Israel was attacked and has a right to defend itself, but they should not be using "defense" as en excuse to further their own aggression(s).

It's all nonsense. There is no way that US will stop sending weapons to Israel, no way. More than 20% of people in government are Jewish and Jewish lobby in the US is very powerful. No matter who is in government they will always send money and weapons. When you talk about Israel defending themselves does the same go for the Palestinians?

When attacked, one does not respond to make friends, one responds to eliminate the threat of another attack. Since Hamas never honors anything, total elimination of the group is necessary.

@Alienbeing Unfortunately this is not a B & W issue. This was the tactic used by the Nazis and we saw how far that went.

@Jolanta We will stop sending weapons if it interferes with our election which it is doing. Netanyahu is a criminal and more and more we are experiencing how desperate he is. People need to wake up and see this is not about antisemitism but anti-Zionism. There is a huge difference.

@Alienbeing But Israel is not eliminating Hamas. They are killing innocent Palestinians! Big difference! They have lost all legitimate rationale of self defense. And proven themselves willing to kill defenseless civilians in the hope they might find real Hamas! The American people are coming around to seeing this aggressive tactics for what it really is and Biden is loosing support because he has failed to rein in Israel.

@pedigojr Sure is a huge difference between Zionism and antisemitism. I somehow do not believe that the weapons exports will stop, after all as I said the Jewish lobby is very powerful and give lots of money to both Republicans and Democrats. So no I don't think it will stop but I do hope it will.

Given the decades of oppression and violence the Palestinians have been subjected to by Israel, it was only a matter of time before Hamas attacked.
It’s precisely the excuse Israel wanted and needed to commit to a genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people. Which has always been Israel’s true aim….😇

@pedigojr I beg to differ. Hamas ALWAYS breaks agreements and they teach Israeli hate in schools in Gaza. Additionally they attacked and did so in a most brutal manner. It IS a very simple black & white issue.

@Shaggy2018 Newsflash!! Civilians always have more casualties than military. See WW2 for amazing civilian casualties verses military casualties.

Last, Isreal does not target civilians, however it is impossible to avoid them when Hamas always uses them as shields, and does not allow them to leave combat areas.

@Jolanta A lot has been said about this issue here and Biden is caught between conflicting sides. The Republicans demand full support and the democrats want the support to be limited. Netanyahu is a criminal and these kinds of people make it difficult for everyone. Still, I think the world is waking up to the extreme Zionists in Israel.

@Alienbeing I did post in item about Hamas and Jihad and it was very informative and agrees with your point. However, Netanhayu, is a criminal and which makes this issue one of gray shades. The number of innocents killed by the Zionists make this issue extremely one-sided against the hard-fisted Zionists. No one should ever believe extremists and in the US that means tRump and his republican enablers.

@pedigojr Even if Netanyahy want to stop it he cannot as it is a coalition of right wing Zionists. They have even hinted on nuking Gaza. I don't know what they were thinking because if they do then the fall out from the nuke will kill everyone, even them.

@pedigojr Whether or not one side has more casualites than another has no relationship to who is right.

Nazi Germany had many more casualties than did U.S. military forces in Europe. Did that make the Nazi's more moral or correct?

@Alienbeing So basically what I'm hearing is that Palestine has declared war on Israel!? Sorry, to me, the type of non-thinking I am reading is crap. No it's not a numbers game but basic morality which most can plainly see.

@Jolanta As far as I know Israel has never stated it has nuclear arms. The world knows they do and going down this route would align all the sane governments into condemning Israel in the strongest terms. It would be the end of the country.

@pedigojr It would be the end of a huge part of the world as the nuclear bombs are way more powerful then the ones the US used in Japan. The fall out would kill billions of people.

@pedigojr In YOUR 5/11 reply YOU made a big deal over more Palestinian casualties than Israeli casualties. All I did was point out that which side suffers the most casualties has no relationship to who holds high ground..... then you complain. Make up your mind.

Last YES Hamas has delcared war on Isreal for a long long time, don't you recall Hamas leaders calling for the destruction of Israel over and over again for decades??

Hamas and the people who voted fro them are getting what they deserve.

@Jolanta Unfortunately one Dr. Edward Teller [] is consider the father of the hydrogen bomb. These are the bombs in use today (aside from the so called 'tactical bombs). When I graduated for a university guess who was the guest speaker - Edward Teller. Not much of a claim for the good. At the time it was all about escalating to see who had the most powerful bomb so others would dare not attack them. Look where's that gotten us.

@Alienbeing Seems we both said the same thing but in different terms. The question of rights has been decided by the international war crimes laws. It's not so much about right and wrong but who adheres to the rules. In this case (and in the case of Russia and Ukraine) clearly one side as overstepped the bounds. One also needs to remember the Zionists, from early on, also decided to eliminate the Palestinians. They are the ones who got Netanyahu elected and he is responsible for the excesses of violence.

@pedigojr We aren't saying th same thing. The fact is Hamas and the majority of Gazans are terrorists.

@Alienbeing I totally disagree. It's like saying the majority of Americans are members of a terrorist group.

@pedigojr It does not come close to saying "the majority of Americans are members of a terrorist group." for many reasons. Examples of Palistinian terrorism are: overwhelming Palestinian support. and Palistinians teach Israeli hatred in their schools.

In America we don't teach hatred in schools, and we don't support terrorists. Apparently, you ignore facts.

@Alienbeing Interesting coming from someone who is not Palestinian nor live in that part of the country. Sounds like more fear mongering to me.

@pedigojr "nor live in that part of the country." Part of what country?

You are full of vague unsupported statements, nothing else. Do you deny Palestinian schools teach Israeli hatred in thier schools? Are you aware of any U.S. school teaching hatred?

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