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Covid vaccines may have contributed to excess deaths – Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam study Published: 5 Jun 2024 | 15:08 GMT

Covid vaccines may have contributed to excess deaths – study []

FrayedBear 9 June 5

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I have a case history of mRNA vaccine in regard to a cancer vaccine from 2015.
All those with the vaccine died, the control group lived longer, much longer is some cases.
Further mRNA vaccination/ Technologies was to be stopped then.
It was this case history that forced me to delve deeper into the biochemistry and technology of the mRNA vaccination.
As yet, none of my doubts or misgivings have yet been dispelled.
While it is a truism, seek and ye shall find,I have looked at this issue from as many facets as I could find.
So far I have not found any proof of the covid's vaccine efficacy.

& yet ivermectin a drug widely used on cattle apparently worked against covid & cancer. The latter patriot1 recently posted about
"High-dose Ivermectin shrinks cancer metastases - Dr Justus Hope
By Dr.

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