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In today's Seattle TImes it was announced that in the 2020 presidential election in Washington state some 192,000 more women voted than men. This amounted to 3.4% above which was slightly higher than the national number which was 5%, Considering what's at stake I predict women en masse will be turning out to ditch the Orange anus and especially when OA's running mate has made no secret of his disdain for childless (SB childFREE) cat ladies. There was also a two page spread on how tough and, at the same time, understanding Kamilla Harris. One remark was made: "she is a competent and experienced politician who knows exactly what she is doing and has a very clear idea of her country's role, of developments in the world and of the challenges we face!" Olaf Shultz Chancellor of Germany (the country who previously had a successful female chancellor. It's about time we stepped up to the modern world and let a strong woman take over. As a former prosecutor, who has said she has had to deal with a number of criminals like tRump and knows how to handle them. Even tRump seems afraid to debate her (she's not verified as the nominee) but if and when that happens I will be sure to watch tRump meeting more than his match. I think most of us here would love the see tRump being suited in a color that matches his thin skin.


Brings tears to my eyes! With young people like these....I have hope. I see so many bold, committed and powerful young women at Planned Parenthood and they give me hope, too!

Thanks, HC!

I just read something that amazed me. I've discovered stripper/writer/Atheist who found her group at the San Francisco FFRF convention. I first read about her in a "Free Inquiry" editorial she wrote (which I submitted to this group). From the editorial I got her book, "Expose Yourself, How to take risks, question everything and find yourself - humor and insights from my life as a stripper. I looked her up on the FFRF site: []
This is good. Maybe I should post it.
Here's her bio. []

@pedigojr Please do!

@HippieChick58 That was quick. I added a bit though. Okay I will. pamagain and I met at that convention and heard Salman Rushdie. In her book she talked about how it was even harder to come out as an atheist than a former stripper and how welcoming FFRF and the staff were to her.

@pedigojr She's having an interesting life, isn't she? Sorry we didn't meet her there, Jack!

@pamagain I nor you were in the right place at that time. It's been some 6 years and I'm just now finding out about this interesting woman. Have you been to any conventions since?

@pedigojr time they're here on the west coast, I'll go.

@pamagain I believe the next one is in Denver.

@pedigojr Right....not exactly on the West Coast, though.

@pamagain I wonder if there are any left here. Seattle, Portland, LA and, I think, San Diego have all been taken. Denver might be closer to you and me.

@pedigojr "Taken"?

@pamagain Tried to look up the convention sites in the west. No luck. Sites have to be in cities in which members live or want to visit.


Gotta breaks the binds on education!!! This is WONderful!


Love it! Take charge!

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