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LINK Just a moment...

Sununu apparently thinks we will believe his story on what Trump said about future elections. The problem with this is that the entire subject matter turns into something else. One of our failings in politics today is that we appear to allow and accept this.

DenoPenno 9 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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"Standard Trump Rhetoric" has been over the top from the beginning. And now the Project 2025 cadre is literally planning to dismantle democracy and install a Christofascist state if Trump is elected again. Sununu is carrying water for the biggest threat to democracy this nation has faced since the Civil War.


That might be believable in isolation, but at this point, Trump has a long list of scary statements and a history of criminal acts to back them up. The failure to serve justice on Trump indicts our system and highlights the corruption saturating our government (and society).

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