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LINK Bloomington tenants being pushed out of housing to make room for homeless veterans | WGLT

Salvation Army is evicting tenants to make room for homeless housing. Is this what Jesus would do?

ClassicalRebel 5 Aug 3

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Give housing to people who honor death over individuals and family existing.
That's America for you.


Ummmm, there are no offered/available choices for those evicted?
Or are you just a clickbait-monger......
Or perhaps you believe landlords should not be allowed to do what they wish with Their property.........which seems kind of communist.

We wouldn't have this homeless problems, if the Government did their job. And put controls on housing and rent back 8ln the 1970s.where Housing gone up 30 times and wages only 6 times, today.

US bombing a third of the world since World War 2 and their guns doing 80% of the kills.. That causes homelessness oversea and at home. Wars solves nothing and is the most unethical and inhumane thing a government could possibly do. Then reward these vets that are murderers in a uniform compare to family institutions and individuals human rights.

I don't care that you get likes,for your garbage.
It's game over when you kill someone, nothing a person can do worst in life. Then reward them with the ultimately highest cost , being housing and most importantly thing first in a person's life.

Shame on you. And I don't like communism nor Corporationism and centroism that you are More so into supporting.

Housing is tight in the area and rising in cost so no there aren't much affordable options available to these people which is why some are considering leaving the community even though they have children about to start school. The landlord made it known that they were trying to sell the property but the tenants assumed the new owner would still want to rent out the units. You obviously didn't bother to read the article. As far as your click baiting comment is concerned no one is made you click on this.
There are plenty of other blog posts for you to click on I'm sure you can find one that you like.


The big problem is that nobody knows what Jesus would do. Many do make claims, however.


So, robbing Peter to pay Paul?

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