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LINK More than 30,000 nursing home eviction notices to be sent in Louisiana Thursday

This is an example of Christian caring and Republican goodness.

AmelieMatisse 8 May 8

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This shit makes me sick. Capitalism needs to collapse already. Also, Trump can do the same.

We are a sick nation. It is really discouraging


Thursday is my son's BD. 29 years young! My Hero.... My Son! Sad day for many did not had my luck.

Happy Birthday to your son

@AmelieMatisse Than You Much! I will pass it along.


Wow. We will like the whole world to learn about this. True story.... In the 1990's I was stationed in 3 European countries meet women from over a dozen countries, From Siberia to Ireland and time and time the question came up... "How come you got homeless in america?"

It is so sad. Our country is so rich and this is how the poor are treated

@AmelieMatisse Yep... it is never the rich's fault.


Dispicable, disgusting, inhumane, pathetic,sickening. In the eloquent words of our commander in chief, Sad!


Ah yes. Send the old people out into the street. That's the humane thing to do as they will develop skills they otherwise would not have learned. Isn't it time we took some of the homes these decision makers have so there is a place for displaced people to go? Isn't it time some of the big, important people learn how it is to be without a home? I'd like to see a couple of them rousted at 3 am from wherever they have found a place to sleep by cops with bad attitudes.

Exactly. I would like to see them all deported to a third world country and left at the terminal with no money, baggage, or cell phones.


I tend to think you can tell how advanced a society is by how well they take care of their elderly and poor. The U.S. is generally moving backwards in that regard.

Exactly. It is a disgrace.


No Medicaid-no nursing home. Where are they supposed to go? No home care programs? Where is their safety net? Death sentence?

It is horrible. A country that does not care for their children and their senior citizens should not be allowed to exist


Doesn't sound very Christian to me, oh yes on second thought that's exactly what it sounds like.

Yep. More so and more so

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