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LINK After Satanists and Humanists speak up, Florida district rejects school chaplains -- Friendly Atheist

The fear of a lawsuit ended, for now, the threat of volunteer chaplains in Osceola County public schools

Sep 11, 2024

(Follow above article link to read full article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 11

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I would stand for humanist groups. Always open but wouldn't mix it up with satanic people. That's an never ending neverland conflict.

Yes but many Satanic people in this struggle and not really Satanists. What they are is people trying to be recognized the same as religions are in order to point out how stupid everything is. A real devil worshiper could not care less.


That's a lot trouble to pretend to be Satanists and that will backfire because Christians will chalk it up as just another dishonest act against God. Perfer to be original or authenticity or in the quality of being real.

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