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LINK Facebook scam: Imposters use Facebook Messenger to lure you into fraud -- USA Today

Evidently, somebody (a scammer) used my friends list to create an account with a name I'd recognize to pretend to be somebody I knew on Facebook. I was highly suspicious as they tried to sell me on "BFAG", which is a fictional program. I looked it up, on the very fist mention of it. Sadly, there is a seemingly legit group on Facebook which seems real, but it is just part of the scam. I suspect some people fall for it.

I first blocked and then unfriended the scammer.

Just thought I'd post about it as a warning to others....

snytiger6 9 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Facebook scams, like every other scam are ongoing, mutating with technology, and depend on shear numbers for success. The pole phone scams would make hundreds of calls a day and be considered successful if they roped in a few marks. Online, they a send out thousands of scams at the touch of a button, worldwide. The prey is easier because so many, especially seniors don’t understand the technology. And the perpetrators are often all but impossible to track down most of the time.

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