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LINK Atheists to court: It's okay to ban "faith statements" in taxpayer-funded Minnesota program -- Friendly Atheist

A provision in Minnesota's budget singled out colleges forcing high school students to sign an anti-LGBTQ "faith statement"

Sep 16, 2024

(Follow above article link to read entire article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 17

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Interesting as just this morning I read that our Governor signed a bill allowing this same program for Washington Schools. I assumed it was for public schools but it seems it can also include private and religious schools. Something we need to look for. This state is extremely liberal as is our governor (he grew up on Lopez Island, my island and has been a great governor. The Republican party has gone downhill since tRump first got elected and it seems to still be headed that way. Still, something to look for. He often send notices and next time I will ask about this issue.

The decline of the Republican Party began with Reagan, just sayin….👀

Ever since Trump brought in Betsy DeVoss the idea was to get rid of public schools as we know them and just have one school system that is government funded. Trump also wants to get rid of the FBI, the DOJ, and modify the Constitution if not eliminate it all together. His happy - assed cult seems to be fine with this.

@DenoPenno All these politicians seem to want is to get rid of government expenses. They talk about the Demos. constant taxing and spending whereas they give the ultra-wealthy big tax breaks and then complain about the deficit. Problem is, under the Republicans tax breaks the deficit goes up and under the Demos. it goes down. Just like tRump, it's not about the country but themselves. I'm starting to see money is like a drug. The more of it the more one can become addicted and go around in a stupor not seeing reality as it is.

@Aaron70 At the time of Reagan's running I was living in Europe. Then the dollar was falling in relation to the D. Mark. This and the debacle of the Iranian rescue mission turned many toward Reagan. I now see how wrong that was and how good a president was Carter. Unfortunately, I see many tRump supporters as being just as ignorant and self-serving as we were back then. Being an informed electorate is more critical than many know.

@pedigojr Well said 🙃

@pedigojr Which country in Europe are you from?

@pedigojr Reagan was also well known for Reaganomics, or “trickle down” economics. That was when the wealth truly began to substantially shift from the middle class to the 1% that we have today. I like to call it “trickle up” economics….🤠

@Aaron70 I am from the foreign country of Texass (Dallass). I was living in Germany (Heidelberg) and working for the University of Maryland European. To give you an idea of how many of us were living in Europe the Univ. of Md. peak enrollment was in 1989 and, Europe wide, was 133,000 students mostly military, their dependents and civilian workers (like me). That doesn't include thousands of US residents living there because they liked it. If tRump get elected see that number rise exponentially.

@Aaron70 There is another side to trickle down economics and that is the claim from the moneyed class that if their taxes go up than those qualifying for increased taxes will become lower and lower so soon everyone will be paying a higher tax rate.Remember, the moneyed class has lots of money to hire people to spin any argument. I worked for an int'l. accounting firm (in Seattle). The amount of money spent for tax accountants to find loopholes was enormous.

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