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LINK Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear courageously bans "conversion therapy" on minors -- Friendly Atheist

The anti-LGBTQ procedure, often promoted by conservative Christians, is widely discredited and harmful

Sep 20, 2024

(Follow above article link to read entire article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 21

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Must take a lot of courage to be a bigoted asshole….🤠


I have said this before and now will say it again. You cannot talk someone out of being gay or lesbian.

Nor can you give them a “magic” pill….🤷🏻♂️
Interestingly enough, the christians are one of the ideologies that began vilifying gays in recent times. Most cultures in the past accepted gays without question. In fact, in early Greek cultures, they preferred their leaders to be gay. They believed heterosexual men were weak and could be manipulated by women. And in many cases these women did take down their men…..😇
Hating on non heteros is a sport it seems of the abrahamic religions….🤔

@Aaron70 The irony here is that gay is a thing of men only in Abrahamic religions. This might be for the most part that women did not count as they were more like property. Recall that Job got his wife and family back in the end. It did not matter if they were the originals or not because they were property.

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