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LINK Denver churches, prioritizing bigotry, continue lawsuit over free pre-K program -- Friendly Atheist

Two Catholic churches want taxpayer dollars while refusing to obey secular laws

Sep 24, 2024

(To read full article follow above article link.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 24

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Sorry peeps. We have to obey the laws.


I have a hard time or an tough understanding with both LGBT and the religious coming to a compromise. I know throughout the ages Catholic have come tp many compromises. Because LGBT has come in little more then a half century ago. And mixing into Commercial and politics. Usually the better answer's are toward the middle grounds
At least I know that works for me. I don't want to loose on my taxes for either one of them, especially on the religious.

The biggest boost to LGBT rights was that corporations came to realize that a gay couple usually has two incomes and no children, which meant gays had a lot of discretionary money to spend, and so corporate America favored gay rights to get those gay dollars.

There were exceptions, where the people running the company just believed it to be the right thing to do. Levi Strauss was one of the exceptions, but their headquarters is also in the San Francisco Bay area, and local culture also influenced them as well.

In the 1990's I volunteered at the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center, and they never turned anyone away from the services they provide because a person was not LGBT+. They served the entire community regardless. One of the reasons why they got government grants is the government knew that they did not discriminate against anyone at all, and additionally they also were not at all judgemental. That really can't be said of most other nonprofits. If my tax money is to go to a nonprofit, I want them to serve the ENTIRE community, not just a select few, and most gay nonprofits do that.

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