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When is a spade not a spade? When America wishes to hide its crimes with weasel words of deceipt.

George Carlin telling how it is.

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FrayedBear 9 Sep 26

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Same old, tired playbook from Vlad the Invader's minion, the frayed Russian bear. Next question! 😂


We aren't hiding anything, because we have no crimes to hide.

Back snorting the snow are you? Isn't half the country trying to imprison the 45th President whilst 40 % want to imprison the current President geriatric genocide Joe? Half the the world would agree to life imprisonment of Obama & Clinton husband & wife.

@FrayedBear Your continued fascination with drugs reveals your dependency problem. I don't take drugs and that is why I , unlike you, see things clearly.

Save your bullshit about half of this or that approves of something. First, we don't care, second, you are so full of inaccurate information that nothing you say carries any weight.

Uh, no, there are definitely crimes. But we're not hiding anything. In this country, we have freedom of speech, and a free press. The average citizen can know about George W Bush's illegal war on Iraq, how he led us in there on a pack of lies (that Saddam Hussein had WMDs). Yes, we can know this, and we can repeat it and openly denounce Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rice, without fear of retribution or imprisonment by the government.

We're not perfect. But at least we have a system that allows us to work at being better.

Contrast that to Putin's Russia, where you can be arrested and jailed for simply holding up a blank piece of paper; where opposition political leaders are routinely murdered or jailed on trumped-up charges.

Long live Pussy Riot! Long live Alexy Navalny!


You’re wasting your time asking a Yorkshire man that question.

Thought you are a kiwi?

@FrayedBear I’m a first generation kiwi.

I was raised by a Yorkshire mother and father. There’s a cultural emphasis on honesty and directness.

They might call a spade a shovel, that’s about as far as it gets. If they are being really talkative, then the word “bloody” might be added.

Enjoy being online again!

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