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Russia in clarifying its policies on response to aggression to it makes it clear as to when it will use nuclear weapons. Will the USA comprehend or arrogantly continue its aggression around the world?

Putin just announced Russia’s own Monroe Doctrine
The president has cleared up any ambiguity about how Moscow will respond to any new threats in its backyard
Sergey Poletaev
By Sergey Poletaev, information analyst and publicist, co-founder and editor of the Vatfor project.


FrayedBear 9 Oct 9

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Russia has proven to have a third rate military, we don't care.

The U.S., China, India, and Russia top the Global Firepower Ranking. Three of them are members of the BRICS.

US and Israel are the tops in terroristism. Wouldn't depend on the American dream to own the world.

@Castlepaloma I repeat, Russia has proven to be a third rate military power, they don't bother us.

As respects your second sentence, it is pure bullshit.

@Alienbeing What rock are living under? #Stupid man. @Castlepaloma 's 2nd sentence is "Three of them are members of the BRICS." which is 100% correct.

Has your constipation got so bad that the ecretia is now backing up & dribbling out of your mouth unbeknownst to you? Doesn't your wife complain about the smell of your breath?

@FrayedBear OK so I mean third sentence. Now try to post something meaningful.

@Alienbeing "Damned & Doomed from here to Eternity"

@FrayedBear When you have a fact to convey please let me know.

@Alienbeing I just have.

@FrayedBear Apparently you can't determine what constitutes a fact.


I'm sure Russia will arrogantly continue its aggression around the world.

Whereas the USA won't?

Have you watched the video in "A Danish whistleblower has come forward claiming US military vessels were in the area of the ..."?

It very much scoffs your belief.

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