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Israeli Jews kill 300 in besieged N.Gaza refugee camp. Hospital worker says no fuel for ambulances & little medical supplies or food.

The genocide continues. Al-Jazeera report

FrayedBear 9 Oct 13

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First time Genocide is recorded livestream. So we haven't seen before such sadistic levels of poor people being brutally burnt alive .Israeis takes pleasure in inflicting pain, punishment, and humiliation. To a level of sexual sadist.wearing women underwear.and destroying personal belongings. ,So relentless and constantly, prodding, belittling, taunting. Palestinians. Only thing to this level of Horrors I've read about is Germen burning Russian villages in barns and shooting them as they try to escape. Wail laughing hysterically, just like how the insane Israelis terrorist are doing now. Since I've not been in terror state of being for 4 generations like Palestinians., I don't know words to describe these terrors. What ever mental illness suffering the jews experience in the Holocaust. They need a great deal of long term
love and reeducation.that this is the beginning of the end of 9/11.

Lobotomise all the Israeli Jews & let the rest of them proven not complicit to look after them as reminders.

It's the only thing that such psycopaths will understand.


The homeless in Canada freeze to death in tents and die greater numbers than by canadain murderers or war. Seeing a bomb fire attack on helpless Gazans filled with illness and serious injury homeless tents. Is a deeper level of hell on earth, I can't imagine.



Seems to me Al Jazeera is the only honest reporter in the Middle East. Which is why they are maligned by all th others.

@Vocaloldfart has just also identified []
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