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Are there any agnostic Trump supporters?

Can people who enjoy logic and reasoning support someone like Trump? Why or why not?

RickTheChemist 4 Dec 11

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I've only met a few. The vast majority of his supporters that I know of are religious.


I've run into one, but I haven't seen him for a while. I thin he got booted off the site for beign abusive to other members.




If there are, they're not worried about the proverbial hell he's sending us to.

godef Level 7 Dec 11, 2017

This post is a good test our community's ability to be respectful of different perspectives. It seems the majority of members here are not Trump supporters, and there are good reasons to think being agnostic/atheist and not politically conservative are correlated. Nevertheless, I would guess there are many more Trump supporters among the authentic (i.e., not trolls) members of this site than have revealed themselves.

In response to the second question (about logic, reasoning, and supporting trump), I say of course it is. Rationality has many layers. Given different premises, your and my rational positions may be completely different. For example, if you believe people are poor because they are lazy, you will likely and rationally oppose welfare programs I support. If you believe a uniquely precious human soul is created at conception, it is rational for you support candidates who promises to appoint a certain type of judge. If you believes terrorists are frequently embedded in refugee communities, you will resist refugee relocation efforts that I support. Etc.

And I think that all of us believe a variety of irrational premises even when we try very hard to investigate them critically. (A very important role of critical thinking is to root those out!)

There is sophist logic and reasoning, and there is data-based logic and reasoning. We should be able to point to ideas that are data-based or proven to work in other countries and states, and choose them. I think Trump uses fear and intimidation and not data.


The problem with elections is that people don't vote for who they like, but vote against people they are afraid of. I think the election would have turned out very differently if the Democratic party didn't nominate somebody with so much baggage. I was hoping for Bernie Sanders.

Mr_Dj Level 5 Dec 11, 2017

Finally some one with common sense


I'm sure there are plenty of Trump supporters who worship only money, but chances are, we won't find them on this site

I ran into one. I think he got booted though for beign abusive to other users.


Here you have an Atheist who supports him: Myself.

Hi, DUCHESSA. What's your favorite thing about President Trump?

It's not a matter of favorite but of necessary: His position on immigration and the ban on Muslims....

Thanks for putting your position out there, that takes some courage I think.

No more courage than to tell the world I am an Atheist...

See, cc_david....I immigrated to USA in 1980 (USA Citizen since 1986). I don't buy the illegals talk since some of them are in USA for over 40 years and have not found a way to regularize their situation. The wall? Well, not only this is nothing new (started to be built during Clinton' tenure) but after 9/11 many countries (11) built borders very similar to the one Trump prevent the illegals from entering USA. I know most immigrants come to America to do good -for the country and for themselves-...but, as it is happening with the illegals entering my other country, many also are criminals. The MS 13 members are notorious for their "horrors".




Not me brother.... he turns me off with bragging about being a billionaire. And other stuff too.


Yes. there are. Some are people who grew up steeped in both religion an in right wing politics. The athiests in that group managed to get rid of attachment to theology, but hold on to reactionary political ideology. Some are white supremacists.
Some are lsuch true believer ideologues that they will choose to support Trump to avoid any constructive action in our country. Some are simply too embroiled in the culture of greed to be rational and moral.


There are Trump supporters here. As to whether or not they enjoy logic and reasoning your guess is as good as mine.

SamL Level 7 Dec 11, 2017

Would you say I don't enjoy logic and I don't reason? I do...both...and I support Trump in several issues.

That is impossible.


I'm sure there are a few issues someone might agree with Trump on. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

@DUCHESSA Well, there is the answer to the main question. Thank you for standing up and expressing your view. However, I wouldn't know that you don't or do enjoy logic nor whether or not you reason because I don't know you. Regardless, bravo to you.


Of course there are! Trump got 62,000,000 votes ... I'm sure there are a few agnostics among that number!

Pretty sure most of those votes were purchased by Russia.
I think one interesting commonality shared by Trump supporters is fear..plain and simple, with a close second being ignorance.


You'll probably find them in the same place as Recent Inmigrants for Trump, Muslims for Trump, Scientists for Trump and People Who Lost Money Because of Trump's Bankruptcies for Trump.

Seems like a conflict of interest.


He's not the best man for the job, but he's the best option they had. I'd rather a man who speaks the truth than a woman who leaves her people to die then tries to cover it up.

Besides, Trump is taking a logical process to his job and is doing well.

I believe your view is tainted. No matter it is your view.

You must be a young little one. Under Ronald Reagan hundreds and hundreds killed in a terrorist attack in Beirut. That didn't get half as much attention as Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi

Hillary's ways and words reminded me of the former president of my other country (Argentina)....also a who just became indicted for treason.

"Trump, because we don't like Hillary"

Guys let's be honest here. It doesn't matter who was going to become president. People will continue to die from war, poverty, sickness, crime, etc. That's the lovely world we have created.

All I'm saying is that I don't trust Hillary one bit. I think that Trump has more potential as a president because he's not a run of the mill politically correct puppet like the rest. He represents the collective will of the American people.

Trump supporters are the majority. I accept that it's difficult to accept for some people but we need radical change. All western nations are heading down a very self destructive path and Trump is trying to prevent his country from that. That's all.


There is one on this sight, but he talks like a theist.


Please be nice to anyone who claims they support Trump. It could be a good test of your will power.

Admin Level 9 Dec 11, 2017

and I make mine your words! @ twshield

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