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During the debate & on posts on X claims were made that many Jews had been too fearful to attend the debate. Guess what Namby Pambies the Palestinians of Gaza have had no choice but to attend the genocide perpetrated against them by the Israeli Jews over the last 78 years! We have seen how these Jewish barbarians have perpetrated their mass murdering holocaust against the Palestinians over the last 13 months live on our cell phones. The union debate should not have been to determine if they are genocidal but whether hanging is too good for them & their supporters complicit in this outrage against all of humanity.

Pro-Israel speakers branded 'genocidal maniacs' as Oxford students pass shock motion to declare Israel an 'apartheid state responsible for genocide'
Story by Eliana Silver •

Oxford University students passed a motion branding Israel an “apartheid state responsible for genocide” as pro-Israel speakers were heckled and labelled “genocidal maniacs.”


I found the concluding remarks by Palestinian Susan Abulhawa particularly concise in stating the reality of the genocidal holocaust perpetrated by the Jews. Here it is -

The following are Susan Abdulhawa's concluding remarks at the Oxford Union debate on November 28, 2024, on the resolution: "this house believes that Israel is an apartheid state responsible for genocide."

I will not take questions until I’m finished speaking; so please refrain from interrupting me. In 1921, Chaim Weizmann addressed the World Zionist Congress on the challenge of what to do about the indigenous inhabitants of the land that he was occupying. He said that Palestinians were akin to “the rocks of Judea, obstacles that had to be cleared on a difficult path." David Gruen, a Polish Jew, who changed his name to David Ben Gurion to sound relevant to the region, said. "We must expel Arabs and take their places.” There are thousands of such conversations among the early zionists who plotted and implemented the violent colonization of Palestine and the annihilation of her native people. But they were only partially successful, murdering or ethnically cleansing 80% of Palestinians, which meant that 20% of us remained, an enduring obstacle to their colonial fantasies, which became the subject of their obsessions in the decades that followed, especially after conquering what remained of Palestine in 1967.
Zionists lamented our presence and they debated publicly in all circles—political, academic, social, cultural circles—regarding what do with us; what to do about the Palestinian birthrate, about our babies, which they dubbed a demographic threat. Benny Morris, who was originally meant to be here, once expressed regret that Ben Gurion “did not finish the job” of getting rid of us all, which would have obviated what they refer to as the “Arab problem.”
Benjamin Netanyahu, a Polish Jew whose real name is Benjamin Mileikowsky, once bemoaned a missed opportunity during the 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising to expel large swathes of the Palestinian population “while world attention was focused on China.” Some of their articulated solutions to the nuisance of our existence include a “break their bones” policy in the 80s and 90s, ordered by Yitzhak Rubitzov, Ukrainian Jew who changed his name to Yitzhak Rabin (for the same reasons). That horrific policy that crippled generations of Palestinians did not succeed in making us leave. And frustrated by Palestinian resilience, a new discourse arose, especially after a massive natural gas field was discovered off the coast of Northern Gaza worth trillions of dollars. This new discourse is echoed in the words of Colonel Efraim Eitan, who said in 2004, “we have to kill them all.” Aaron Sofer, an Israeli so-called intellectual and political advisor, insisted in 2018 that “we have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.” When I was in Gaza, I saw a little boy no more than 9 years whose hands and part of his face, had been blown off from a booby trapped can of food that soldiers had left behind for Gaza’s starving children. I later learned that they had also left poisoned food for people in Shujaiyya, and in the 1980s and 90s, Israeli soldiers had left booby trapped toys in southern Lebanon that exploded when excited children picked them up.
The harm they do is diabolical, and yet, they expect you to believe they are the victims. Invoking Europe’s holocaust and screaming antisemitism, they expect you to suspend fundamental human reason to believe that the daily sniping of children with so called “kill shots” and the bombing of entire neighborhoods that bury families alive and wipe out whole bloodlines is self-defence. They want you to believe that a man who had not eaten a thing in over 72 hours, who kept fighting even when all he had was one functioning arm, that this man was motivated by some innate savagery and irrational hatred or jealousy of Jews, rather than the indomitable yearning to see his people free in their own homeland. It’s clear to me that we’re not here to debate whether Israel is an apartheid or genocidal state. This debate is ultimately about the worth of Palestinian lives; about the worth of our schools, research centers, books, art, and dreams; about the worth of the homes we worked all our lives to build and which contain the memories of generations; about the worth of our humanity and our agency; the worth of bodies and ambitions.

Because if the roles were reversed—if Palestinians had spent the last eight decades stealing Jewish homes, expelling, oppressing, imprisoning, poisoning, torturing, raping and killing them; if Palestinians had killed an estimated 300,000 Jews in one year, targeted their journalists, their thinkers, their healthcare workers, their athletes, their artists, bombed every Israeli hospital, university, library, museum, cultural center, synagogue, and simultaneously set up an observation platform where people came to watch their slaughter as if a tourist attraction;
if Palestinians had corralled them by the hundreds of thousands into flimsy tents, bombed them in so-called safe zones, burned them alive, cut off their food, water, and medicine;
if Palestinians had made Jewish children wander barefoot with empty pots; made them gather the flesh of their parents into plastic bags; made them bury their siblings, cousins and friends; made them sneak out from their tents in the middle of the night to sleep on their parents’ graves; made them pray for death just to join their families and not be alone in this terrible world anymore, and terrorized them so utterly that their children lose their hair, lose their memory, lose their minds, and made those as young as 4 and 5 years old die of heart attacks;
if we mercilessly forced their ICU babies to die, alone in hospital beds, crying until they could cry no more, and died and decomposed in the same spot;
if Palestinians used wheat flour aid trucks to lure starving Jews, then opened fire on them when they gathered to collect a day’s bread; if Palestinians finally allowed a food delivery into a shelter with hungry Jews, then set fire to the entire shelter and aid truck before anyone could taste the food;
if a Palestinian sniper bragged about blowing out 42 Jewish kneecaps in one day as one Israeli soldier did in 2019; if a Palestinian admitted to CNN that he ran over hundreds of Jews with his tank, their squished flesh lingering in the tank treads;
if Palestinians were systematically raping Jewish doctors, patients, and other captives with hot metal rods, jagged and electrified sticks, and fire extinguishers, sometimes raping to death, as happened with Dr Adnan alBursh and others;
if Jewish women were forced to give birth in filth, get C-sections or leg amputations without anesthesia; if we destroyed their children then decorated our tanks with their toys; if we killed or displaced their women then posed for photographs with their lingerie…
if the world were watching the livestreamed systematic annihilation of Jews in real time, there would be no debating whether that constituted terrorism or genocide.
And yet two Palestinians—myself and Mohammad el-Kurd— showed up here to do just that, enduring the indignity of debating those who think our only life choices should be to leave our homeland, submit to their supremacy, or die politely and quietly.
But you would be wrong to think that I came to convince you of anything. The house resolution, though well-meaning and appreciated, is of little consequence in the midst of this holocaust of our time.
I came in the spirit of Malcolm X and James Baldwin, both of whom stood here and in Cambridge before I was born, facing finely-dressed well-spoken monsters who harbored the same supremacist ideologies as Zionism—these notions of entitlement and privilege, of being divinely favored, blessed, or chosen.
I’m here for the sake of history. To speak to generations not yet born and for the chronicles of this extraordinary time where the carpet bombing of defenseless indigenous societies is legitimized.
I’m here for my grandmothers, both of whom died as penniless refugees while foreign Jews lived in their stolen homes.
And I also came to speak directly to zionists here and everywhere.
We let you into our homes when your own countries tried to murder you and everyone else turned you away. We fed, clothed, gave you shelter, and we shared the bounty of our land with you, and when the time was ripe, you kicked us out of our own homes and homeland, then you killed and robbed and burned and looted our lives.
You carved out our hearts because it is clear you do not know how to live in the world without dominating others.
You have crossed all lines and nurtured the most vile of human impulses, but the world is finally glimpsing the terror we have endured at your hands for so long, and they are seeing the reality of who you are, who you’ve always been. They watch in utter astonishment the sadism, the glee, the joy, and pleasure with which you conduct, watch, and cheer the daily details of breaking our bodies, our minds, our future, our past.
But no matter what happens from here, no matter what fairytales you tell yourself and tell the world, you will never truly belong to that land. You will never understand the sacredness of the olives trees, which you’ve been cutting down and burning for decades just to spite us and to break our hearts a little more. No one native to this land would dare do such things to the olives. No one who belongs to that region would ever bomb or destroy such ancient heritage as Baalbak or Bittir, or destroy ancient cemeteries as you destroy ours, like the Anglican cemetery in Jerusalem or the resting place of ancient Muslim scholars and warriors in Maamanillah. Those who come from that land do not desecrate the dead; that’s why my family for centuries were the caretakers of the Jewish cemetery on the mount of olives, as labors of faith and care for what we know is part of our ancestry and story.
Your ancestors will always be buried in your actual homelands of Poland, Ukraine, and elsewhere around the world from whence you came. The mythos and folklore of the land will always be alien to you.
You will never be literate in the sartorial language of the robes we wear, that sprang from the land through our foremothers over centuries—every motif, design, and pattern speaking to the secrets of local lore, flora, birds, rivers, and wildlife.
What your real estate agents call in their high-priced listings “old Arab home” will always hold in their stones the stories and memories of our ancestors who built them. The ancient photos and paintings of the land will never contain you.
You will never know how it feels to be loved and supported by those who have nothing to gain from you, and in fact, everything to lose. You will never know the feeling of masses all over the world pouring into the streets and stadiums to chant and sing for your freedom; and it is not because you are Jewish, as you try to make the world believe, but because you are depraved violent colonizers who think your Jewishness entitles you to the home my grandfather and his brothers built with their own hands on lands that had been in our family for centuries. It is because Zionism is a blight on Judaism and indeed on humanity.
You can change your names to sound more relevant to the region and you can pretend falafel and hummus and zaatar are your ancient cuisines, but in the recesses of your being, you will always feel the sting of this epic forgery and theft. That’s why even the drawings of our children pasted on walls at the UN or in a hospital ward send your leaders and lawyers into hysteric meltdowns.
You will not erase us, no matter how many of us you kill and kill and kill, all day every day. We are not the rocks Chaim Weizmann thought you could clear from the land. We are its very soil. We are her rivers and her trees and her stories, because all of that was nurtured by our bodies and our lives over millennia of continuous, uninterrupted habitation of that patch of earth between the Jordan and Mediterranean waters, from our Canaanite, our Hebrew, our Philistine, and our Phoenician ancestors, to every conqueror or pilgrim who came and went, who married or raped, loved, enslaved, converted between religions, settled or prayed in our land, leaving pieces of themselves in our bodies and our heritage. The fabled, tumultuous stories of that land are quite literally in our DNA. You cannot kill or propagandize that away, no matter what death technology you use or what Hollywood and corporate media arsenals you deploy.
Someday, your impunity and arrogance will end. Palestine will be free; she will be restored to her multi-religious, multi-ethnic pluralistic glory; we will restore and expand the trains that run from Cairo to Gaza to Jerusalem, Haifa, Tripoli, Beirut, Damascus, Amman, Kuwait, Sanaa, and so on; we will put an end to the zionist American war machine of domination, expansion, extraction, pollution, and looting.
..and you will either leave, or you will finally learn to live with others as equals.

FrayedBear 9 Dec 2

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Sooo, I finally Googled "IDF" of which i am told i was a was not easy to be a member, being born and raised in Connecticut, and going to Spain to work, once, for 6 weeks, rebuilding nuclear subs in Rota , (needing major Security Clearances!) The only time, except for a couple of Canadian trips, that i have ever left the country, but i will always fondly remember my time in the IDF, according to Frayed Brain, I mean Bear.

Okay, tell me what you found so enjoyable there please.

@Jolanta this is Satire!

@annewimsey500 So you never served in the IDF?

@Jolanta like my post says , I have gone on i think 3 vacations to Canada and worked for General Dynmacs in Spain for 6 weeks, otherwise lived in CT all my life, except for 3 horrible years in a small town in Alabama and did not even know what "IDF" meant until I Googled it, right before this post.
Frayed Brain is a nasty whacko who will spew venom in any direction at at time, if there is Ever any truth in anything he says, it is IMO by accdent, and this is a Perfect example.
And BTW my charitable contributions are, and always have been, to Heifer International and Smile Train, Never to Anything connected to the Middle East because I have read the Bible and this situation (hatred and war, passed down for untold generations)) is status quo for them, for no reason whatsoever, since before Yaweh was invented.


There isn't a dime's worth of difference between Netanyahu and his Zionist backers on the one hand, and Vladimir Putin and his Orthodox Christian backers on the other. Same goes for Hamas, Hezbollah and their Islamist backers. A pox on all their houses!



While @FrayedBear rides his anti-Zionist hobby horse into the ground, he condones Putin's genocide in Ukraine. What a fucking hypocrite!

No Mr Sauce I decry the genocide of Ukrainians & Russians caused by American sabotage of Ukraine that resulted in the commencement of the genocide against Russian Ukraines from 2014 onwards. You however wish to ignore that small fact just as you ignore the fact that the Gazan holocaust could not have happened but for American funding & the supply of weapons & ammunition for 70+ years. The same applies with the continuing genocide of Russians through the proxy army & its funding. You don't like the fact that the Russians have largely proven themselves superior.

@FrayedBear Nice word salad. Thank you for proving my point.


@Flyingsaucesir you obviously do not know what "word salad" is. However if sabotage is not understood perhaps the less subtle term "USA mercenaries have been committing genocide against Russians living Eastern Ukraine are now livng in Russia because they have seceded from ukraine as is their right" is more comprehensible to you?

@FrayedBear 😂😂😂

@Flyingsaucesir good projection. But you probably don't understand that either.


Have you noticed that Hamas is virtually all gone?

Why haven't you got the moral fortitude to say that most Palestinians living in Israel have now been "genocidally ethnically cleansed" by you & the Israeli Jews over the last 78 years?
Barbarians like you will end up literally eating each other. The rest of the world will happily watch you do it & lend a helping hand.



And this


@FrayedBear People who start war (such as Palistinians) have no standing to complain about their losses.

@Alienbeing sad fact is alien that you cannot get your head round the fact that it is the Zionist Jews who started not war but genocide of the Palestinians.
What part of "In 1921, Chaim Weizmann addressed the World Zionist Congress on the challenge of what to do about the indigenous inhabitants of the land that he was occupying. He said that Palestinians were akin to “the rocks of Judea, obstacles that had to be cleared on a difficult path." David Gruen, a Polish Jew, who changed his name to David Ben Gurion to sound relevant to the region, said. "We must expel Arabs and take their places.” There are thousands of such conversations among the early zionists who plotted and implemented the violent colonization of Palestine and the annihilation of her native people. " did you not comprehend?

You're like a broken record on the turntable constantly jumping to the same track failing to play the introduction. You're contemptible.

@FrayedBear Hamas attacked & killed many Jews for no reason at all and even took hostages; not a good idea. Such actions come with reprisals. Hamas now cries,trying to get slow witted people such as yourself to be useful idiots.

They started it, hopefully they will be dead when it is over.

@Alienbeing the Jews have been crying poor victim for thousands of years & dumb nuts like yourself enjoin them to maintain the propaganda & delusion. It's called folies en masse.

@FrayedBear Your opinion is, as usual, worthless.

@Alienbeing like the opinion of this rabbi who I agree with if the burning down of the synagogue was malicious. I reported this in agnostics yesterday but the censor seems to have removed the post. Perhaps in your great wisdom you can explain why?

I wonder if Yorta Yorta elders have marched in support of the Palestinians? Have any of the ultra orthodox Jews? Have they financially or even morally supported the Israeli Jews genocide & apartheid?

@FrayedBear Your feigned concern brings fake tears to my eyes.

@Alienbeing are you saying that my concern over anti Semitic behaviours are feigned?

@FrayedBear Are you surprised?

@FrayedBear i had no idea that all these people giving you shit on here were JEWS.....are they Zionist jews is the my next question!

@1patriot the question is irrelevant - they are all complicit in the war crimes & genocide & like those perpetrating the inhumane deeds need lobotomising to cleanse the earth & stop the disease spreading.


"Many Jews were too fearful to attend...."
Yeah, okay, if you say so.......

Lol, Anne. Sarcasm Anne or simply ignorant of reality that you couldn't understand who wrote that piece of delusional propaganda?

@FrayedBear Most of us did understand who posted it though.

@DenoPenno is Anne simply dense, or suffering long term covid19?

Wasn't she once a member of the IDF?

@FrayedBear If Anne were to go into a coma she would still be more alert and more useful than you seem to be.

@FrayedBear never had Covid, I was and am fully vaccinated. Becuz Science.

@Alienbeing interesting that you both avoid mentioning Annes time in the IDF.

@FrayedBear International Diabetes Foundation??

@FrayedBear What you find intresting most pople find as dribble.

@Alienbeing yeah like Netanyahu claiming that this video is made under duress?

@FrayedBear Yes exactly like the dribble you just posted.

You really need new material, although considering your strange viewpoints, it is questionable if any material can help you.

@Alienbeing thing these Jews are promulgating dribble?


https:// PalinfoAr/status/1864294085172900285

& If you take the trouble to download the 200 page .pdf file the screenshot is taken from you can veriify each murder individually & bite your tongue for every one of them. You will have no tongue by the time you reach the last page -

@FrayedBear When I attempteed to play the video I got an error message. When I went to your "X" link the video was not is English. Anything you may have considered a point could not be accessed.

In closing, I wouldn't care if war crimes were documented, Hamas started the war, Hamas must live with the results and most, is not all of Palestinians in Gaza are or support Hamas. NO sympathy here.

@Alienbeing Hamas my deluded correspondent did not not start any war. They are defending against nearly 80 years of genocide, apartheid, murder & torture by israeli Jews openly supported by most of world Jewry & American lickspittles like yourself deluded by the eloquence of their lies & propaganda.

@FrayedBear No one except you thinnks Hamas did not start the current conflict. Your "understanding" is totally flawed.

@Alienbeing you think that because you have been indoctrinated . . . Probably why you also think that Russia started WWIII in 2022 by invading Donetsk & Luhansk. And that Israeli Jews can't commit anti-Semitic genocide, murder & rights atrocities in Israel, Syria, Lebanon & Iran.

@FrayedBear What school taught you that a sentence can begin with the word "And"?

Last what makes you think I, or anyone else thinks or thought that Russia started WW3 by invading parts of Ukraine?

At least you admitted that Russia invaded Ukraine; I suppose that is a start.

@FrayedBear she admitted to working with IDF they don't rape their own just the there so called unarmed enemy's women and children! they there alien losing the discussion has to make spelling correction because he has no other talking points

@FrayedBear []

Legal experts agree: IDF soldiers at risk of prosecution for war crimes
Outrage as IDF soldiers' visas delayed by Australia over ‘war crimes’ questions
Israel Defense Forces soldiers face visa delays amid growing tensions and escalating antisemitic attacks in Australia.

Legal experts agree: IDF soldiers at risk of prosecution for war crimes
Former chief military prosecutor, deputy tell Ynet that consequences of judicial overhaul and weakening of the judiciary could lead to cases against country and its soldiers landing in international courts [] looks like these speaking out against you are ok with raping and killing of unarmed women and children are ok with this FrayedBear

@Alienbeing I use the word invade to avoid you denying the fact that they went to prevent fellow Russians from being genocidally murdered by USA mercenaries. But now you can argue to your heart's content - I won't resile that observation.

@Alienbeing, @1patriot exactly. The attempted diversion of a loser. . . . I didnt need to reprimand him. Interesting though that it is the site algorithm that has enjoined him in this comment. However on the topic of using "And" to commence a sentence as usual the Alien is totally wrong -

@1patriot many thanks for this piece of news. What is outrageous is the fact the Australian governments have not been applying this sort of rigour to all visa enquiries since 1944.
The bleating Israeli Jews are exactly that. I'm pleased to learn that some Australians are no longer being hoodwinked by their propaganda. As for the 100 year old grandmother I wonder if she has spoken out against the genocide & atrocities or is she another complicit in it even if through silence.
Failure by the Australian or any government to undertake such checks makes them complicit in the war crimes & genocide.

@1patriot the IDF & Israel has one of the highest rates of rape against women in the world. It doesn't surprise me if they are subconsciously taking revenge against their mothers for circumcising them without consent. & Isn't it apalling the rate of rape against Palestinian men by IDF soldiers using penises, batons, cattle prods & gas igniters? They all need lobotomising to cleanse the planet.

@1patriot I note that most of the emojis applied by you to my comments reported on my notifications\ alerts do not actually appear on the comments. Faulty connection or some ethnically cleansing troll destroying them?

@FrayedBear really i can't see that! this site seems to favor the troll!

@FrayedBear Poor attemt to correct your slippage.

@FrayedBear Grammarly is wrong they simply bowed to the expanded definitions adopted by moronic liberals.

@Alienbeing lol, it isn't even your language. Stick to your dead Hebrew language. English is a living language.

@FrayedBear How does it feel to be a jerk?

ALL languages are living languages, that was NOT the point , however I am not surprised the point escaped your withered mind.

Last, your stupid references to me or anyone else here taking a "Hebrew" position shows you can't even figure out what an Atheist is.

@Alienbeing my "jerking" got your blood pressure up. Keep going.

@FrayedBear Once again proving you have no clue, I have, and always have had, low blood pressure.

I'll close by reminding you that nothing you say or do affects my blood pressure or any other emotion. You are simply a pityful excuse for a human, and virtually everyone easily recognizes your moroic behavior.

@Alienbeing salivate over your hero Piers Morgan failing to recognise facts:

It gets really interesting from 22 minutes. Morgan really is a one sided gobshite & broken record. He refuses to acknowledge the truth of anything Bilzerian says.
Here's more evidence of Judaism having been stolen from Hinduism:

@Alienbeing & I wonder how you & Piers Morgan explain this video?

@FrayedBear Piers Morgan is a Brit, and as such no hero to me. It seems you need a geography lesson.

@Alienbeing as usual you chicken out giving a lawyer's diversionary response. Morgan's nationality has no bearing on the remarks made by Israel's religious leader & head psychopathic war criminal of a Prime Minister. The evidence is plain however that what is currently occurring in Israel is due to 3000 years of man made religious dogma & indoctrination.

@FrayedBear Your mind simply does not work. Whether or not Morgan's nationality has anything to do with another's remarks is totally irrelevant to the fact that I disregard almost anything any non U.S. citizen says about international relations.

I'll try to make it easy for you to understand: I don't care at all what you, Morgan, or any other person who is not a U.S. citizen says about any international issue. We do what we want to do irrespective of your or their opinion.

@Alienbeing arrogant #stupid bastards aren't you.
Notice that that is a statement.

Your demise is not far off.

I will not weep at your passing but do note alien that I've had the courtesy to let you express your delusions in the hope that one day one of them will be intelligently effective & not just the rant of an indoctrinated #stupid arrogant bastard. Every day I walk by the river & observe the dead bodies of other indoctrinated #stupid arrogant bastards float by to give me pause for thought & the joy of learning of their demise. Before long I will have the pleasure of "seeing" you float by followed by your accolytes & offspring though cucks rarely have offspring.

Enjoy whatever you do on what may be your last 25 th December.

@FrayedBear You last reply strongly indicates your delusions have become your reality. I suggest you limit your conversions to those you have with yourself to avoid mental incarceration.

@Alienbeing keep snorting your cocaine - it won't stop you being a #stupid ignorant arrogant cuckolded bastard.

Was your wife the source of the story in this video?

@FrayedBear Not that story, other stories.

How are your bed sores?

@FrayedBear hey, AlienBeing, he has "let" you express your opinions....have you said Thank You? Buwahahaaaaaaa!

@Alienbeing So then you accept that you are a"#stupid ignorant arrogant cuckolded bastard"? Gratifying to learn that I've finally got through to you.

Btw I don't have any bed sores just an auto immunity disease that will result in my paralysis & ultimate development of them if pneumonia doesn't kill me first like it did my father thanks to the crap selfish #stupid American indoctrinated society that I live in.

@FrayedBear I accept that you will never make sense, nothing else.

@Alienbeing Which of the 70 simple words in my last reply do you not understand nor do they make sense to you? Do you need to go back to school & learn English?

Unless you are an admitted idiot there is no other explanation.

@FrayedBear ALL of the words you ever typed on this site never made sense. ALL of them.

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