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LINK First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia

An interesting read. Clergy meet to build a consensus on what Jesus and all of Christianity “is”. Even at this early time there were fractures in theology resulting in different churches.

Science-guy 8 Dec 7

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How convenient that Constantine didn't get baptized for about a decade, after his endorsement of xtianity, he wanted to make the bath worthwhile!


I have never read the whole Bible. While I really love science fiction this large weighty tome just never grabbed my interest.
I do wish I had spent more time discussing it with my Dad. He said I should read it because there are a lot of interesting stories in the Bible, he knew I read science fiction. Dad joked he was a recovering Catholic and atheist by the time we kids came along. I did not know this while I lived at home.
He collected Bibles, not sure why, maybe to see how the wording would change over the years, I really do not know the reason. He never wavered from being a non-believer and he would of enjoyed this site.
When I see some of the religious memes and jokes I can hear my Dad's laughter in my head.
He would be appalled at my twin's gullibility where religion and politics is concerned.

I only read the whole bible in my 20s, to help my then fiancé pass a bible class for college.

The only bible I have in my bookcase is from my atheist grandmother, who kept it on her end table to help her with crossword puzzle references.

My other grandmother went to church daily (yes daily) yet never owned or read the bible. Go figure.

I just lied - I do have a copy of The Brick Bible in my bookcase which is the depiction of the bible stories with Legos, and I'm just waiting for my grandchildren to be curious enough to read it.


Yes, and we got our bible as we know it by council and decree complete with a beginning and an end. Then people have balls enough to claim if the bible says 2+2=5 we had better believe it. I find all of this one of the biggest reasons to NOT believe Christianity.

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