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Can we be 100% certain?

Can we be 100% certain?

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SleepingOnABoat 7 May 9

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I am 100% certain that I haven't seen, been aware of or experienced proof of the divine because I'd know if I had. And the fact that I haven't seen any evidence for god(s) means that if they've tried they have failed so still 1-0 to me.

Am I 100% certain that this will never happen? No of course not but if I am mortal, and I'm not 100% sure of that either, they or it is running out of time to show me 🙂


I think therefore I am and I have a grasp on reality.


I'm not 100% certain that I exsist.


I am certain of two things.

  1. Donuts are one of the greatest creations of humanity.
  2. There ain't no God(s).

Mmmmm donuts


Absolute Certainty, no. Philosophical paradox.

Proto Level 6 May 9, 2018

You mean being absolutely certain there is no absolute certainty, but if so then ever thing must be absolutely contingent except for contingency itself.


Until I see scientific evidence of any diety, I am 100% certain there are none.

N7EIE Level 6 May 9, 2018

I’m not certain about anything. The only thing I know for sure is that I exist. Everything else could just be hallucinations. Is there a god? It seems pretty unlikely and if there is he’s an asshole. Is there such a thing as horses. Well, I can touch them, ride them. Or i think I can and do. I’m skeptical about everything. I’m Bipolar One with mixed features so I don’t take anything for granted. Time will tell.


I tend to default to Descartes here. The only thing I can ever truly prove beyond a shadow of a doubt is that I myself exist. Anything else could be a hallucination, delusion, perceptive bias, a dreamstate, the result of demonic possession, or some other influence. But by questioning my own existence I prove it, because I cannot question my own existence without existing. Anything beyond that is potentially false information and so the best I can ever say is that I am reasonably certain based upon the evidence provided. With the potential exceptions of fundamental mathematic principles, which are apparently considered to be universal philosophical truth.


However, it depends on one's definition of a god. In this universe there are natural forces at work and some could say this can be likened to a god.


I'm 100% certain there are no gods.

I bet you a dollar you are only 100% convinced.

@indirect76 Keep your dollar. I am certain. Unless and until credible, verifiable evidence is presented to prove otherwise, I will remain certain.

@KKGator Have you ever heard of the black swan fallacy?

@indirect76 Yes, I've heard of it. As far as gods go, I don't believe it applies. You know, since ALL gods are mythology and mythology is a man-made construct.

@KKGator I suppose if you define gods as mythology then I have no argument.

@indirect76 I absolutely do. They have never existed anywhere except in the minds of humans.

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