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LINK What was the Pentagon's secret UFO program looking for? - YouTube

What on Earth was that? Your thoughts please...

Hitchens 8 May 9

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What ever these things or what their origin is, they are there for all to see, and therfore represent fascinating and thrilling viewing if for nothing else then their amazing aeronautical abilities.


Probably looking for foreign nation technologies! Military technology that is "known" to the public is decades behind what is actually in service or development. These pilots "Not being Cleared" have no idea what they are looking at or what is being tested or developed and not having a good reference point makes it harder to distinguish from slightly advanced to out of this world technology.

But Pentagon nor the Airforce said they were just as perplexed as anyone else, in other words they are not ours, and they are highly unlikely to be Russian or whos are they the North Koreans can barely fly a rocket in the right direction, nevermind flying miraculously fast and agile craft around the U.S?

@Hitchens The problem with calling this alien technology is that it's another version of "goddidit!" Don't know what it is? Goddiditalienstyle!

@Benthoven Alrighty then ...look I get that..I do really...maybe it was the latest Amazon Drone delivering another batch of bibles to South Carolina..maybe it was a stray Tie fighter searching for the industrial light and magic studio..maybe it was swamp gas...or a fly in the lenses of the on board camera mimicking a craft travelling at mach 4... In light of the universally accepted fact that the military experts maintain that it was authentic and it's dynamics were other worldly in terms of this centuries technological question to you is ok fine...what do you think it was....and don't say I don't know..

@Benthoven some things in life are believing in God. Some other things in life also appear at first to be Quantum Mechantics and the mind boggling behaviour of gravity and time and light or black holes...but they are still real. God did not create them. Nor did he create the possibility of wormholes and as Hawkins said the potential to use these phenomenon to circumvent vast distances of space if you had the right technology..whos to say some other civilisations didnt manage to harness this ability..who knows..maybe it's just swamp gas...after all.
But just because my mind is closed on God doesn't mean I'm not open minded enough to at least wonder about these strange phenomena.

@Hitchens I get it. I really do. But my first thought is, “look for what’s ‘plausible’”. Do I ‘believe’ that there is other life out there, of course I do. But according to quantum physics, they’re ruled by the same rules that we are, which means that they probably don’t live much longer than we do, and that still can’t travel faster than the speed of light… so they will have to do what we do to survive… send robots.

I’m a writer… I write about ghosts, demons, vampires, aliens! I’ve read all the Harry Potter books, seen all the Harry Potter movies, and read the Lord of the Rings trilogy a dozen times… as well as purchased the special DVD editions. But nowhere in my mind do I question that they come from anyplace but here. I’ve even written about aliens who have managed to traverse all the physics that daunt us to this day… but until we can “prove” otherwise, they’re just stories, and my work is just fiction.

I spend a lot of time thinking about what “people” from other planets would look like, think, act like… but all that is in the mind. In my brain, I’m not bound by the laws of physics, as proven by Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Avengers, and Time Bandits. Anything can happen in my mind. The only thing not bound by physics is my mind. But that reality is even more frustrating… because I can “be” anything, “do” anything in my mind… but for the life of me I can’t make it happen IN reality. Which brings us back to God, angels, demons, and reality, time travel.

These are great stories. Mythologies of all kinds have shaped us greatly... especially as "men." And right now, we can see some crazy shit in our universe… but the laws stay the same… and that’s where I think we come down. I’m not a physicist, but I trust physicists like Brian Greene, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Brian Cox… and others. Nobody wants all this to be true more than they do. And to that end, I recognize the challenges faced by those who can’t help but give credence to aliens. For example, the Fermi Paradox…

I’ve also read about the “visitor” traveling through our universe: []. But note, they think that even if it is from another civilization, it’s in trouble… meaning that science gets that this might be ‘alien,’ but not necessarily ‘life’.

We have to go with what we know… and leave the rest in the “I don’t know” column… that’s the only way to rationally deal with this. We have to start with: “It’s originating from earth…” and move on from there. Because physics, as we understand it, applies to the entire universe, not just us.

@Benthoven When you were refering to the visitor travelling through our universe do you mean the cigar shaped hunk of rock that was photographed in space, the one DeGrasse Tyson was debunking ? I tried the link but the article was removed and it dead ended.

@Benthoven I am neither a writer or a physicist. Im just an Athiest, maybe you're right,.. I know that the whole universe in sofar as we can see is singing from the same hymn sheet with regard to universal physics, with the exception of the event horizon in a black hole, but thats irrelevant here, and the point that the physicists are making is that even though other advanced civilizations in all liklyhood do exist, the time and almost immeasurably vast distances they would need to travel (should they even be motivated to bother) would take so long even at near light speed(which couldnt be achieved by carbon based life anyway) that all potential civilizations even if there were millions of them dotted around the universe, will in all probability never come into face to face contact (thats if they have faces).Many civilizations could have come and gone all over the universe without ever finding other sentient beings or any trace of them. But then if you take these convincing probabilities as being self evident, then it makes the craft or objects even more mysterious,because one has logically removed alien technology as one of the potential explanations, thereby making any logical explanation of the events as impossible.....??


I noticed that they ended the program in 2012, which means they didn't find anything.

Really? 🙂

But they never came close to working out what the hell those crafts were. They are stumped.

@duchessa yes.

@Hitchens MY ANSWER WAS SARCASTIC....I "believe" the government knows a lot more than what it tells us....and for several of them would be to prevent mass panic.

@DUCHESSA. Sorry your highness, I thought you meant "Really?" as in are you a fruitcake? My apologies... I don't usually buy in to all this Alien stuff, but I have done a little research and frankly I'm really starting to believe that perhaps we are being visited if not by actual aliens then at least by exploritive probe craft. Its the mechanics and engineering abilities of these craft that is so fascinating,..their dynamics speed and aeronautical agility and ability to adapt just takes my breath away.?

No it was due to end in 2012, but is still active according to Geofrey Kruger. So who knows?

@Hitchens If I think a members is koo koo I don't get involved. 🙂
I don't have the knowledge required to talk about this subject but years ago, in my other country, it was deeply debated by people who know...and they made sense.
BTW, I wish this Alien business was true....their extraordinary knowledge would solve most -if not all- the problems on earth,
Gee, I remember when Scotty used to talk to the computer and we laughed our brains off. No laughing now.

@DUCHESSA There were a lot of spectacular sightings in Argentina and Chile too. Both recorded by their own Airforces. Yes Duchessa..first contact might be good or bad..depends on which ones make the choice and if they are feeling social in a neighbourly way..??

@Hitchens I was referring precisely to the sightings in Argentina...recorded by the Air Force as well as by local people interested in the topic.
Assuming they exist... their knowledge could destroy us in a piff and it has not I assume they are social

@DUCHESSA. Fingers crossed hope so..???????????????????????????????????????????????????

@Hitchens Always amazed me the way the aliens are fetuses. 🙂

@DUCHESSA Ha ha yes..well we are in the embryonic stage compared to them Duchessa! ?
Is this any better?..??? that's all I have for little green men ?

@Hitchens LOL...I wasn't complaining....but enjoying. 🙂

@DUCHESSA you are a one in a million funny classy lady..always enjoy your thoughts x

@Hitchens thank you....

@DUCHESSA You are very welcome, have a very pleasant evening.

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