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What author had the greatest influence on your motivation or your to higher energy.

Mine was Tony Robbins guild me into many achievements.
Wayne Dyer influence me to be spiritualsided with world views.

What have been your favorite?

Castlepaloma 8 Dec 11

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Richard Dawkins.

Satre, Camus, Dawkins, Darwin, James Randi, Penn and Teller. And The Skeptical Inquirer.


george carlin

Carlin change my mind clearly that Religion was mostly BS. Greatest comedian too.

he makes complete sense and as you say is very funny too.


Can't say one or another,each one I read adds to my knowledge in some way, some affect me more than others but no one book defines how I think..Nor would I say it is healthy to do that.

We read the books we are open too,so we are actually making the choice to change our thinking to a large extent,any book may seem influential to us but we chose to allow that to happen. We make our own paths in life.

Yes, you are the most important person in the world to yourself. Your your own best doctor, life coach and so on. Just someone outside gave you that extra lift to a higher level of well being. Maybe a lover.


Plato the "Allegory of the Cave."

I believe we all are chained to the wall at times. I constantly challenge my self and try to learn as much as I can. I also try to reassess my positions on things.



Tony Robbins is a fraud:


One of Tony"s firewalk had 5 people hospitalized with 2nd and 3rd burn, so it's not all physical BS. As a life coach who has trained more famous people than Tony.

For 30 years I am living proof that Tony's motivation tools work.
Being world class in
1.Sculpture- world champions and international
2. Sports national teams and international 3. Traveling of over 100 countries, lost count

Tony has flaw like anyone esle, as a life coach he is my best.

And yet I've never heard of you. And here you are on an Agnostic site where we're trained to see through BS. Not sure he's done you any good at all.

Lol, sandcastle and snow playgrounds is just a metaphor. No, it's where I have spent most of my waking hours of my life. Look me up , I have won 5 sandsculpture world championship and 185 international awards. Been busier the last 10 years working on my 4th eco self substainable village in Bolivia. Because the owners of NorrhAmerica say it's illegal to live green
, We must live in the corperationism grid.

There is alot truth about what you says about spiritual scammer. Perhaps 90percent scammer are, yet about 10percent are the real deal with a low degree of lying . Because everyone lies in degrees, a liar would be high degree of lying.

"... sandcastle and snow playgrounds is just a metaphor..." Yah, no it's not. It's like comparing a car to a baseball bat... at some level there "might" be a connection, but how deep down the rabbit hole do you have to go to find it?

What you say about yourself may or may not be true, but the fact that you're pushing pseudoscience does bring into question your credibility.

I will make the case I've made previously: This is a place for skepticism and reason, not for pseudoscience. If you want to read Deepak, or Wayne Dyer, or Tony Robbins or any of the other hustlers and swindlers out there, you are free to do so. In fact, in America, it's your "right." And I'm sure these men appreciate your money. Not to mention their publishers. But there is such a thing as reality, and we're getting a lot better at understanding it. And we have instruments that can help us make those assessments. These men rely strictly upon falsified information that "sounds" true so that they can sell their wares. But in the end, they don't stand up to scrutiny.

I'm here because I enjoy science and critical thinking. Don't want to be cynical. For what you can forget in life and your health has most to do with your happiness. My credibility is sound and gone through life with clean hands

Very few great atheist in history. Yet did find so many great men that were balance of science and spiritual. If your jealous because Deepak , T Robbins, W Dyer and even Dawkins. Dawkins said he is deeply Religious like Albert Einstein was. They are all  famous and made a great deal of money and helped millions. Buying a few books was not costly and very useful, and best money investment for personal and business.

Don't believe in Supernatural yet plenty of natural Phenomena among the spirual unknowns, no pseudoscience required. There is far more opportunities combining Science and spiritual. Don't know much about rabbit holes, yet reaching for the stars, and see what you can come back to earth with, counts. There is a reason for everything, if not it's likely evil.

"I'm here because I enjoy science and critical thinking."
Yah, no you don't. Look, science is a fairly straight-forward way of thinking, and it's pretty obvious when someone is using pseudoscience. It simply takes a little research.


Deepak Chopra is BS.


A small part of the above:
"Chopra spends much of his time writing and lecturing from his base in California. He charges $25,000 per lecture performance, where he spouts out a few platitudes and give spiritual advice while warning against the ill effects of materialism. His audiences are apparently not troubled by his living in a $2.5 million house in La Jolla, California, where he parks his green Jaguar, which he can easily afford since he has amassed millions of dollars from the sales of his books, tapes, herbs, appearances, etc. Chopra is much richer and certainly more famous than he ever was as an endocrinologist or as chief of staff at New England Memorial Hospital. "

I made $millions from building Sandcastles and Snow playgrounds. A lawyer came up to me and said. You should not get paid to build sandcastle, this should be free on the beach for the public. I said, how am I going to pay my bills from what I love doing. Then he walked away angry and jealous.. All that schooling for dissatisfion.

There nothing wrong in making lots of money. Deepok speaking about Corperationism web, not capitalism of no harm. The fascist corperatism make money a horrible Religion. By trapping most others into materialism that is unhealthy. Almost turned into a Dark Vader myself, then came back to a happy balance.

Um... WHA???? I read this post twice and still have no idea what you're trying to say.

As to sandcastles and snow playgrounds, methinks your "metaphor" needs some SERIOUS reworking... (if that's even what it is.)

When someone sets themselves up as a "guru" and "leader," but use that position as a way to bilk others out of their money, that makes them a fraud, liar, scammer, duplicitous, cheat, swindler... I could go on. If you have to use these methods to make yourself rich, then why tag a spirituality label on it... My bad... Using spirituality is the best way to scam others out of their money.


James Randi. I was watching his videos about paying anybody 1 million dollars if they say what 3 things he has written and put in a safe. No one could answer even one of them. It went from there and I ended up here.

Randi's one of my favorites. The tests he uses are agreed upon by both parties. He's invited numerous "psychics," but they always turn him down.

Alright... I got a hit. Thanks... Yes, he educated me on all the crap out there. Straightened me out on religion too.


Two very different authors:

  1. Hermann Hesse: It is from internal strife that creativity and the will to do arise.

  2. Jean Piaget: His work on the biological basis of cognition and cognitive development explain how and why we develop cognitive schema and cognitive structures.


I fell for those guys as well, before I started reading books by actual scientificly minded people.

Fortunately all I lost was the price of a book and wasn’t taken in by their seminar schemes.

On the upside, because of them I was forced to learn, scientificly, what "energy" even was in the first place, without all that new age BS.


One aspect of addiction recovery is that in the USA the only ubiquitous free help is a 12 step program which (in large part) are faith based. There are so many who struggle with wanting so badly to stop but the whole “god thing” keeps them from reaching out for help. This was a struggle I dealt with for many years. A counselor in my last rehab knew god was a big obstacle to sobriety so he gave me the below linked book which I highly recommend for anyone who shares the same struggles.

The other book by Robert Persig was my initial foray into Buddhism many years before my drinking got way out of control.

The final link David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell is about turning perceived weaknesses into strength and how there are many paths to the same goal.




One advantage to AA is that they are always available. My ex was an alcoholic and I gave him an ultimatum one day: either contact your shrink by noon today to get in a rehab program or go to AA. He chose the latter and immediately quit drinking for over 15 years. He is also an atheist. He had a terrible relapse when we separated. Again, AA was there. He goes to meetings almost every day. Much as both of us hate their concept, AA worked for him even though they have a high recidivism rate. We just wish they could stop the religious BS.

@LIB75002 I leaned on it for my first 90 days to 6 months. I haven’t been to a meeting in a couple years. I found an incredible Reddit group and I have a rigorous home yoga/meditation practice. I’m a bit of a nomad and often in very remote areas where AA isn’t accessible, neither is yoga.

If he is interested in my Reddit group, it’s phenomenal support I wish were available when I first tried quitting.

Could you tell me the name of the Reddit group so I can refer my ex to it. Thanks,



This community is incredible!


One of my mentors in my early years, Isaac Asimov, inspired me to be skeptical of all things and use critical thought in making any assessment or drawing any conclusion.

Even though I lead with my heart shortly following by the mind. Still, overall there is a greater lack of critical thinkers. Most people would think of it as a negative, like large Religions.

Our owners don't like critical thinking.


Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Sor Juana, Cortázar, Cronin, Quiroga, Alfredo Palacios, María Luisa Bombal, Rojas, Martí,
Many authors, from the far past to the very present, influenced me.


Deepok Chopra. Fundamentally just the best. Humanist and straight forward. Carlos Castaneda, another one of my favorites.

Deepak is a scam artist and liar. The reason he's too "hippy for here," is that on this site, science matters.

Your calling me BS? Not fitting for this guy who confronts every problem.

My profile walks my talk. Only 2 rules, Do not harm and be honest.  You show me anywhere where I break these rules? Be careful of what your one finger is pointing at. A fearless person like me will not be terrified of you.

You grew as fundamentalist Seventh-
Day-Adventist. That is a heavy world of, BS, so I understand your over zealous of suspicious charactors. I support all kind of love including gays.  So I am not your enemy,  would ignore enemies for most part anyways. Hope to be your friend, for they are your best therapy.

People will see what they want to see. If you want to see spiritual is attacking you, you are delusional as Science is attacking them. Spiritual is just the unknowns, you fear the unknowns.

I can find more places that say Richard Dawkins is a fraud or a conman more than Deepak. Dose it make it so, simple answer NO. I seen Dawkins make many adjustments and that's what I look for in a good man.

I learn from anywhere as long as it makes sound and good sense to me.

If people want to be onesided, or bigoted, sexes, or racist, or violent, or greedy and over negative. How much are they really learning in life?

So is that your catchall for everyone who disagrees with you "...or bigoted, sexes, or racist, or violent, or greedy and over negative..."

You're on a site that elevates knowledge and reason. If you need to push pseudo science, there's always David Avocado.

Oh, dear. Things just go from bad to worse:


I am finding how the majority here are negative, bigoted , onesided, and very against Religion. How come I don't have those deep problems the 85percent of the world's population.

Having cold war with them solved nothing. If nonbelievers overcame the majority like Religion and still acted like this. Then when another group comes along it will be all over again Us against Them as you pretend to be superior .

I am not popular here, other circle very much so, yet not alone here. We are Human beings and can work with more kindness and compassion toward the vast majority of our fellow mankind. If we really want educate them, be open , not afraid, connect your backbone with your brain. I don't like Religion too, yet I know this not helping to get everyone closer.

"I am not popular here." So you're invoking the logical fallacy: Argumentum ad populum! No matter how popular someone or something is, if they're wrong they're wrong. Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Oprah... all VERY popular people... all very very wrong and completely misguided.

Everything you've said in this post is something you're absolutely unwilling to do. Open mindedness isn't believing every little ism that comes along, it's about challenging those ideas and making sure there's actual science behind them.

"I am finding how the majority here are negative, bigoted , onesided, and very against Religion."
So is that how you describe everyone who disagrees with you? I hate to tell you this, bigoted does not mean what you think it means. There is NOTHING bigoted about challenging someone who seems very light on facts. There's nothing bigoted about calling out charlatans if they're charlatans. Your profound refusal to deal in fact does not make those who disagree with you bigots. Instead, it points the finger at you. You have an ideology you WANT to be true and are willing to ignore the truth in favor of a lie. Basically, you are the very definition of a religious person.

This has nothing to do with superiority. Nobody is superior because they keep to the facts. They're just better informed, and less likely to bring harm to others.

Keep in mind that truth is a formidable enemy, since all of nature backs it up. It's also a formidable ally, because all of nature backs it up.

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