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QUESTION Jake Tapper fact checks Roy Moore spokesman - YouTube

Roy Moore spokesman about swearing on a Bible for elected office. lol

bingst 8 Dec 12

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Using the bible has proven to be not a trust worthy item in determining how well they will preform their duties. Some are spies,others steal and some just fool around. That just about covers the Congress , oh yes the president!


What a dumb ass! Without knowledge or credibility.


Typical Christian ignoramus. Firstly, there is no 'the bible' there are many. Secondly, as the moderator says, one does not have to swear on a bible. When one is sworn in for jury duty the normal case is to say "so help me god". Most courtrooms allow an opt out of that and can simply say "so help me". I know because I raised a stink at my last jury duty. The court apologized.


I posted this one yesterday too. The look on this morons face when he realizes that you aren't required to swear on a Bible is utterly priceless.


I feel informed now. 😉

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