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Is it wrong to be an introvert

Why for some people its a big deal for being introvert? you cannot change someone who they really are? i hate people who are asking like " why are you so quiet? you need to be more socialized with other people.... and why are u shy? i hate to answer that kind of stupid questions.... i am who i really am people can't change from intorvert to extrovert

msbutterfly18 5 May 14

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Nope. Introverts are gifted with higher dopamine levels, and dopamine produces new neurons, and I think that a person who is only adding to his intelligence is becoming a better person.


I'm absolutely an introvert, but I'm not shy and I don't have social anxiety. I'm introspective and, for the most part, am content in solitude (though I do appreciate the company of a significant other). I'm fine in small groups and relaxed settings, but I'll quickly become exhausted (as in, at risk of falling asleep from exhaustion) in loud settings with a lot of social expectations. Wedding receptions where I'm expected to meet & greet people I barely know (or don't know at all), with loud music, and the expectation that I'll (shudder) dance drain my "battery" extremely quickly. But with a small group of friends and a relatively quiet setting, such as a camping or hiking trip, a weekly board game night, or something along those lines, I'm good to go as long as anyone else


Who's the woman in the photo?

thats my emotion when i get mad lol


It’s difficult for some because they can’t grasp the concept. Like describing the color red to a person born blind. It just doesn’t click. So just do you and forget what people say. They don’t really care anyway. They just like to meddle.

Deemo Level 4 May 14, 2018

Hell no, there's nothing wrong with being an introvert, I'm one.


Be who you are. Don’t let anyone else define you.

jab60 Level 6 May 14, 2018

I'm the most introverted person I know.

I think the general discomfort some people (not all) have with introverts, is the fact that we are differently social (not antisocial).

I think human beings are hardwired to make connections with other humans, so the kind of quietly different ways we introverts have of interacting might put some people off.

My experience though, is the people worth knowing will look past our ways of being selectively social, and will like us just the way we are.


No; we are how we come. I have no trouble in moving away from people who make comments about me in any way , shape or form - Its a pretty ignorant thing to do - I'd not answer someoen that rude.


Social anxiety may or may not be involved when someone comes across as introverted, which is a description of a personality type. In any case, it is not "wrong", no matter what. I could see it being possible for someone to genuinely be concerned for you if you express difficulty connecting with others, and you want to connect more, but you find yourself facing anxiety when you try. But if you are happy with your social connections and with yourself, then go ahead and ignore judgment from everyone else!


I Think Popye summed it up....I Am Who I Am.

Coldo Level 8 May 14, 2018

Absolutely not, never feel it's not ok to be who you are.

Pnky Level 3 May 14, 2018

Introerts are the worst!!! Just kidding ?

JeffB Level 6 May 14, 2018

I hope no one takes that serious. I read the post and thought, what assholes would say yes to that. I read the comments and seen no one taking a stands against introverts. But I imagine that most people, when asked would say there is nothing wrong, be yourselves, etc... But I'm sure some of those people would have harassed you. I'm not sure how to get to the bottom of the question.


I am asked all the time why so quiet and I usually answer i enjoy watching people making fools of themselves.I never get asked again.

Oh man I gotta remember that one...


No, it's not wrong to be an introvert.


They're intimidated by introverts because they can't crack our code. Same way alot of people hate cats...they can't influence them!


You are fine. there is all types of people that make up this world. It is okay to be who you are. Thanks for sharing.


mostly you got to be yourself


Wrong? No. More difficult? I'd say yes. I think even introverts need socialization, but prefer quiet settings with those that are close and meaningful to them. Many find this/them boring, but I think their interactions and relationships are more meaningful and substantial.


No. I don't plan on ever changing from it. I like observing and having people earn my trust instead of assuming they get it automatically.

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