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I can't help but to think about our current political policies. Does anyone else think there's an agenda against the American people? Will there be an awakening?

Scorpiohunter74 3 Dec 13

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I don't know if there is an agenda, but corporations do not have the best interests for the American people in mind. They spend lavishly on lobbyists who influence the politicians to do what's best for a corporation or industry. Thanks to Citizens United corporations can buy political votes through donations. Senator Toomey (PA-R) will not vote in the best interests of the people, but for his corporate backers.
Many news outlets are biased at best and at worst are providing alternative facts. They are busy feeding the fears of people. And people seem to be willfully ignorant; probably because they are afraid of anyone different than them.

CS60 Level 7 Dec 13, 2017

Yes there is an agenda, get the debt so high they can end Social Security with out question, and that's after stealing 2 Trillion dollar from SS , it's a benefit I paid for not an entitlement, also Beware of the military industrial complex, our military is big enough and does not need another increase, I could keep going, but I won't.


The Republicans and tRUMP are looking out for their financial backers -the awakening will take place at the polls in November 2018 when the Republican Congress will be reduced and the House can proceed with impeachment charges-unless Mueller's investigation bears fruit sooner rather than later.

I don't know if Mueller will have enough to impeach even with a Dem house and senate. I'm waiting for someone to get serious about the Emoluments Clause. I'm sure he's violated it.

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