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Is Buddhism better than other religions?

Heathens, what do you think? Is Buddhism better form of religion than other present day religions?

AkshinBhardwaj 4 May 16

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People are people are people and all people are capable of brutality and manipulation.

The Buddhists, (religion? philosophy? way of life?) attacked the Rohingya in Myanmar. When put in practice, then, Buddhism doesn't appear any better than any other...

Ha ha ha.. I got to see monks fist fight in Bangkok once (political turmoil that I don't understand was unfolding), those skinny dudes can punch !!!! ... It's something to dwell on when you get to see the most "peaceful" people in the world loose their cool....agree, people is just people everywhere

I'm interested in why you think the persecution of the Rohingya is an example of Buddhism being put into practice. Do you think the Mongol invasions were an example of shamanism being put into practice or that the Holocaust was Christianity being put into practice or do you think it's more complex than that?

@Gareth possibly I used the wrong phrase to make my point... I think it might be a lot more simple than what you're saying. I think that people are people are people meaning that when the economy is going smoothly and needs are met, religious and nonbelievers are capable of meeting high ideals. I believe wars are fought when there's hardship, people feel threatened. (From what I read on Myanmar, this is true. The Buddhists felt their way of life was threatened by the Rohingya.) Also, there are pockets on either extreme: those that welcome adversity and diversity (I saw this living in the predominantly Jewish community N of Detroit during the 1960s riots. Every community in that area experienced white flight but the Jews stayed put because their synagogues held well established communities. Instead they piloted programs of integration and welcomed in the African American kids that were being bussed in. We were a mixed group to begin with but man did we all have to learn tolerance. There were some very impressive leadership in that. And not saying all Jewish communities are this open minded but they've started a lot of institutions that are based in that. And then, of course, there are many examples of individuals that show incredible courage in the face of adversity: the individuals that put their necks on the line to hide or save the persecuted from the Nazis during WWII.). On the other extreme, there were peoples whose livelihood was based in plunder and that, as far as I know would include the Mongols. Clearly EXTREMISTS in any religion justify their actions by being God's chosen. But when any body of people that are typically law abiding rise up and commit heinous acts, THAT is where my interest lies. Beliefs appear to be a veneer and underlying that is some raw human instinct for survival.
So, my turn of phrase should not have been 'when put into practice' but rather 'when push comes to shove' because clearly what's happening in Myanmar is perplexingly out of the ordinary for all I've heard of Buddhism.

@IamNobody thanks for that! Beautiful example of what I'm trying to say about people. You really saw people in action in your journies!

@crazycurlz I have been around the block and my nature has always been to observe things. Hey, if I get a first hands opportunity to experience whatever life throws at me, I'll take it !!

@IamNobody cool!


There are as many forms of Buddhism as there are forms of Christianity or Islam or hinduism....

We're now around 2500 years since Siddartha had his day and its generally accepted that the body of literature that makes up the Tipitaka (the earliest surviving Buddhist canon) wasnt written down untill several hundred years after the Buddha had past.

For me there is so much within the canon that is helpful amd the overall teachings ring true BUT then some monk, that i generally hold in high esteem, will start to talk about reincarnation and rebirth into other realms dependent on ones karma.

I can't accept that. I'm not saying it isnt true but I am saying that they couldnt possibly know. I suspect that like most religions a structure has grown up around some truths and those organisations have emphaised some parts of the doctrine over others. maybe misunderstood parts. people within those organisations have falling outs and disagreements and split off to form other schools with their own particular takes....

These days I'm less often identifying as a 'Buddhist' and more often just saying i try to follow 'Sid' 🙂
After all the Buddha wasnt a Buddhist

JimmyM Level 7 July 14, 2018

IMO the Dalai Lama has a good perspective. I'll let him speak for himself.

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." -- Dalai Lama

"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness." -- Dalai Lama

“If scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims.” -- Dalai Lama


From a personal development point of view I think Buddhism is a lot better than other religions, it gives you a simple path as a personal and moral guide which can be followed as a lay follower or as a monastic. It is quite a deep set of teachings, it takes time to mature in it but it is likely that you will find ways to connect to your compassion, empathy and loving-kindness.

There are quite a few streams of buddhism which have widely different practices, so if you're interested its best to not get too attached to whatever school you end up starting with. Buddhism can also be combined with other philosophies, its a very tolerant stream of thought.

Denker Level 7 June 21, 2018

Yes, I’d say it’s the best religion because it does the least amount of harm. But It still sounds like BS.

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