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What’s a movie you can never get tired of?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 16

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The Blues Brothers. A Million Ways To Die In The West. Riding Giants (surf movie). Endless Summer (another surf movie).

From California ???

@balance_point, mmm, yep.


Almost anything by Kubrick, Eraserhead, any Monty Python, Brazil, Heavenly Creatures

I got my intro to Kubrick in the early 70s...A Clockwork Orange. He grabbed me and forced me to watch. After a while, I realized that ,no, I had to watch !!


The Dark Crystal.

Pleeeease wait.

Those guys put the jitters up me when I was a kid.

@smoyle Oh, I was scared when I was a kid, but as I got older I learnt to appreciate the artistry of the film.


Godfather I & II, Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, To Have And Have Not... those last three are pretty dated but still appeal to me.

Tomas Level 7 May 17, 2018

Believe it or not, I just saw Casablanca for the first time a couple weeks ago. I loved it !!! and so many classic lines in one movie.


The Imitation Game


Young Frankenstein


Ice cold in Alex.


World According to Garp. No idea why. And Shogun. I'm infatuated with the era and culture.


Pulp Fiction, Fantasia, It's Pat, Standing In the Shadows of Motown (eclectic enough for ya?)


Shawshank Redemption


Top Ten presented in no particular order.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Big Trouble in Little China
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Princess Bride
The Last Unicorn
The Incredibles


Dean Spanley was exceptional

little miss sunshine
galaxy quest

Yes! My oh my,I don't think I've yet found anyone else who's seen that! Found myself watching it,by chance,and I just found myself drawn-in to this very funny,very strange and dark film with such great actors and their performances. Such an oddity but what a good film!

@EdMalarkey agree. Absolutely delicious how Sam Neill gradually retreats into and exposes his inner canine. I also love the intro, not just the music but the paper cutting


Soldier Blue.

Coldo Level 8 May 17, 2018

Steel helmet


Death Wish...all of them.

Twelve angry men

Bad Education

The new monsters

Caro papa...


I love The Bridges of Madison County. A delicate emotional masterpiece...beautifully written, acted, and directed.


Step brothers


John Carpenter's The Thing
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
So many more I could list.


Hmm. Donnie Darko. Ghost Dog, too.


The American President
Young Frankenstein
When Harry Met Sally
The Little mermaid
The Sound of Music


Monty Python & the Holy Grail

Ray13 Level 8 June 10, 2018

Dazed and Confused


The Princess Bride.

As if that by itself isn't enough,then:

Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Life moves pretty fast: you don't stop and look around once in could miss it.

Casablanca. What a script!

Raiders of the Lost Ark (yes,I can overlook the religious theme because the other ones are awesome and it's just such a great adventure film.).

Ice Cold in Alex. The script,the story,the fantastic performances! Oh,and the cinematography... Brilliant.

Jaws. What a great film,truly.

The original Star Wars trilogy.

Magnolia. One of the best films I've ever seen and emotionally shattering. And all spun from an album Aimee Mann was working on,which then became the soundtrack to the completed film. Perhaps not a coincidence then that that album is also one of the best I have ever heard. Aimee Mann...she is an exceptional singer and songwriter.

wah wah wah...I could go on. But I won't: it's likely you've stopped reading already.


'Life is beautiful.' tender and sad.

'Reds' - Love Emma Goldman

'Tom Jones' (of the classic book not the singer) -

It was a long time ago but would love to see it again.

jacpod Level 8 June 26, 2018

Chocolat; The Green Mile; Oh, Brother Where Art Thou; To Kill a Mockingbird; Pretty Woman; Big; Meet Me in St. Louis; My Fair Lady; Rear Window; and sooo many more.

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