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Finish This Statement: "I Remember"

"I remember", the first time i ever played a DVD movie and realized i didnt have to rewind it like a VHS cassette lol!

Please finish this statement "I Remember"

twshield 8 May 17

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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I remember when I missed phone calls because I wasn't home and nobody cared.


"I remember"
doing the Time Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me
And the void would be calling...


I remember when riding the the NYC subway cost 50 cents.


The first time I changed my nephews diaper and was told input it on backwards


... the first time I had an LCD watch. I was on some kind of drug they called MDA. I think it might have been MDMA, way before it was called ecstasy. At any rate, staring at my LCD watch, it was absolute magic. Someone explained to me how the crystal changed color when it gets a charge. I fell in love that night, got her address, sent a letter (when snail mail was about the only game) and never got a response.


I remember naught


I'm just imagining all these posts being read by tiny berries in a south park episode...


I remember ... less than I used to remember before I became an old codger with a bad memory.


When I told my dad to take the training wheels off of my bike!


I remember our Disney World trips as a kid, my parents would take us about 4 times a year.


Johnny West, G.I. Joe, Action Jackson and Stretch Armstrong.

G.I.Joe was sold as action man in the UK. I got one of the early versions which still had G.I.Joe on ite backside. Heres a current UK add which you might like.


I remember the slight smell of the exhaust from the ice cream truck while I was trying to decide what I wanted.


"I remember doodoo, they had a swimming pool"
Frank Zappa


too much.

My head is so full of tiny memories.


I remember the Alamo.


I remember the first time I heard Springsteen in concert. he was all alone on the stage in a small venue, after 911. I cried


I remember trying to tie my shoe laces in junior school. It seemed impossible at the time.


I remember I can't go back in time so I better do it right the first time.

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