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Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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Why would anyone in their right mind support that whiny little bitch

Because of their hatefulness and willful ignorance.


Not gullible enough to buy the man baby's BS. He is a petty thief and con-artist.

I'd actually like to hear something more out of his mouth then "It's going to be the best thing you've ever seen!" Because, prolly not.

"Believe me."


"Don't Support" I wouldn't Support Hillary Clinton either. All these candidates are corrupt. I Voted for Jill Stein and the Green Party. The Democrats have Betrayed what they stand for and no wonder many Hate the Democrats for their Reputation. A True Progressive will have more Positive effects then what the world see it. Hillary Clinton Fraud-ed the Primary Election. (She is Criminal in my eyes) And of course we got a Fraud-ed Election having Donald Trump. But that isn't from the Russians either. We are in a lot of Deception and that is what we need to get fixed up.

I honestly don't see any strong candidate from any party at this point. 😟


I don't think he has performed the duty of president well in any function during his time so far in office. He has done nothing productive or successful. I have zero reason to respect him as a human being or president.


Best of two evils. Hillary was a savage narcissistic horrible human. At least trump is a closet atheist .

Not sure (Agree with) that Trump is a closet atheist. Been noticing he's making Christian Policies work for them with Policies that works against Atheist. (If that is the case, seems contradictive to me)

Which policies work against us?

You mean like the religious liberty policies that say religious assholes can fire whoever they want as long as they say "because god"? They're focused on LGBT and Muslims for the moment but will easily scoop up atheists in that net. Mike Putz is the biggest dominionist on the list.

Who got fired? From what companies?


I'm from Canada, so I'm mostly wondering how someone so shallow, racist and sexist could end up being elected. He has repeatedly shown that he does not respect women or their rights and people of minorities through his words and acts. Economically-speaking, his whole life has been one of losing money (he'd be much richer if he never used the money he got from his parents than he is now) and he's even trying to lower taxes for the rich now and cut services for the poor and middle class people.

MarcO Level 5 Oct 6, 2017

Sadly trump represents what MOST of america is- there are a few of us not at all like him. My son and I have always had a European state of mind and would love to be living in Canada ?

How could you possibly reach the conclusion that Obama was the most hated? That's demonstrably false; and not only because of the record-breaking low approval ratings that Trump has consistently gotten. But also compared to W. Bush, Obama's approval ratings were significantly higher. As far as calling Obama the most divisive, I am again at a complete loss for how you could believe that. I'm willing to look at any evidence that you may have to support those statements. But I don't believe there is any evidence to produce which would support that.


No, the guy is a joke.

Tejas Level 8 Oct 6, 2017

I think he's a fool, and I'm sorry but I don't feel I have to have respect for the office when someone like him doesn't respect it himself.


Like Bikersurfer, I respectfully decline to elaborate upon my deep-seated antipathy toward 45. He has long since squandered any respect I might have automatically had for him as my elder or as POTUS. I remember my feelings from November thru January. I was ready then to give him the benefit of the doubt - knowing that I would dislike his presidency, but ready to grin and bear it. But he has been far worse than I feared. I have absolutely nothing pleasant to say about him; to describe him accurately is, by definition, to speak disparagingly of him.


Donald Trump is no longer the president of the United States
Oh sure, he has the title and he has the bully pulpit – from which he’s bullying everyone from NBA players to people protesting white supremacists to DACA kids.
But he’s not actively governing the United States. That work is happening elsewhere – in Congress, the courts, the Fed, the career civil service, lobbyists, and in the states. Or it’s not happening at all.
It’s not just that Trump lost the epic battle to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Trump never understood the Affordable Care Act to begin with, and played no part in developing Republican alternatives.
The budget Trump submitted to Congress in March was dead on arrival. House Republicans ignored Trump’s request for $54 billion in cuts to departments and agencies and decided instead to cut non-defense spending by just $5 billion, and explode the defense budget.
Trump’s relations with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan have become so strained they have no interest in looping him into policies before they have to.
Meanwhile, Trump has run out of Obama executive orders he can declare void. Major regulations, such as the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, can’t just be repealed. They have to go through a legal process that could take years.
Trump doesn’t seem to be aware of this. He told a cheering crowd in Alabama recently that he had ended the Clean Power Plan by executive order. “Did you see what I did to that? Boom, gone.”
Nope. The EPA will soon reveal its strategy for reversing the Plan, but whatever it is, environmental groups are almost certain to appeal it in the courts. Big businesses and utilities, fearing that the courts may rule against the administration, are lobbying the EPA to come up with a replacement rather than try to eliminate the Plan altogether.
Although General John Kelly has reduced White House chaos somewhat, the firings and shakeups are unremitting.
Trump’s Cabinet secretaries don’t seem to have a clue. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos still wants to spend taxpayer money on for-profit schools and colleges that cheat their students. Won’t happen. The EPA’s Scott Pruitt is trying to strip the agency of scientists. Another brainless scheme.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin still has no idea how to deal with Congress. He tried to persuade Republican House members to support Trump’s budget deal with the Democrats by asking them to do it “for me.”
Health and Human Service Secretary Tom Price wasn’t fired for his ethical breaches. If ethics were the criteria, most of the Trump administration would be gone. Price broke Trump’s cardinal rule, which was never to get bad headlines for Trump.
Top echelons of departments and agencies are still empty. Trump has said “in many cases, we don’t want to fill those jobs,” which means decisions are being made by career civil servants and industry lobbyists.
By the start of September, more than a third of the leadership positions at the Federal Emergency Management Agency were still vacant. Not a good way to begin hurricane season. Puerto Rico, anyone?
As of mid-September, out of 599 key government positions that require Senate confirmation, Trump had made only 159 nominations, according to The Washington Post. Trump had yet to submit nominations for 320 positions.
Trump’s political clout is waning among Republicans. He couldn’t even get his pick elected to a Senate primary in Alabama, a state bulging with Trump voters.
Business leaders have deserted him over his remarks over Charlottesville. NFL owners have turned on him over his remarks about players. Tom Brady, who once called Trump “a good friend,” now calls him “divisive” and “wrong.”
Don’t get me wrong. Trump is still a dangerous showman and conman – tweeting condemnations of critics and ranting before friendly crowds at his never-ending campaign rallies. He continues to fuel bigotry and meanness. He has reduced America’s standing in the world. His outbursts could start a nuclear war. His people call him a moron.
But when it comes to the actual work of governing America, Trump is becoming utterly and completely irrelevant.

I'm really enjoying the conflict going on with Sen. Corker. Now that Corker has stated that he will not run again, he is free to speak his mind about Trump, and Trump is imploding!


I joined this dating site in HOPES there were less conservatives here.

I have walked away from family and friends who support trump and will refuse to date anyone who does. Not being snobby but its more of a moral decision than a political one


Hello Ronjames438! I am brand new here. How are you?

I agree. I have a difficult time with people that defend him. And, quite frankly, I get literally sick when I see or hear him. And, yes, I cried like a frikkin baby when I woke up to find he won. How could we allow this to happen? All because people hated Obama so much simply because of 2 things - he is African American and a Democrat. No other basis. Sometimes I'm just ashamed to be an American, and more& more often ashamed to be Human.

I cried too. The world has just gone mad. All the racists crawling out of the woodwork feeling empowered by this monster ????

I hear you. I desire to get along with everyone but when they start to tell how they support a guy that is so screwed up it makes my skin crawl. I usually just let it go over my head and flee as soon as possible...LOL

For me it's not a moral decision to not date Trump supporters - it's that I wouldn't want to date someone that stupid.

I've lost a few friends because their racism started showing once trump got into office.

hi sunshine! when are you going to let me sweep you off of your feet and bring you over my threshold! lol got any new post lately?

I'm from Texas but no friggin way am I conservative and I don't live near Austin!!!

It really doesn't pay to be either/or. Both sides are all about the money.

There's a lot of Trump bashers out there and there are a few things that I don't like about him however I think he's a man that's looked at politics just like the rest of us and realised that nothing is being achieved, this is exactly the same in Britain, Our NHS is still in a mess but nothing happens, the amount of people that's living rough on our streets is growing but nothing happens, the divide between rich and poor is getting bigger but nothing happens and we are still being blown up by mad twisted Islamic terrorist and nothing changes, Trump has come into power with good intentions of changing things for his country, instead of using a feather duster to get things down he's decided to take a firmer hand and take stock of things, he is now realising that you can't just snap your fingers and do this because of congress, the Trumpy bashing media who are able to control the minds of the masses won't let him speak or move without attacking him, I am disappointed with his take on climate change however I think he's more concerned on other issues at the moment and maybe in time climate change will be addressed, he was voted in so I think everyone should allow him to run the show for the time being, sadly people seem happier with leaders that do nothing much !

Trump is a piece of shit, plain and simple.I have some goofy right wing "sheeple" in my family, but no way i'm gonna go along with their beliefs, i am 54, and this is about the most messed up Congress i have ever seen!

@delboy2kent I hope as time goes on it becomes clear to you that Trump has nothing but his own self interests in mind when he chose to run for president. He had no grand plan beyond feeding his ego and his bank balance. He's literally incapable of seeing beyond that. It's called narcism and he's a textbook case.

... fox news is media, unfortunately breitbart is also considered media, the kiss his ass more than the other mainstream media “bashes” him... it’s just mainstream listens to Main Street America. So far as his good intentions.... bwaah... he has none. He is a shill for Koch brothers and the wealthiest 10% of America. He’s literally destroying America... he’s an embarrassment. @delboy2kent

@SunnySmiles your "I Cried. . . " reminds me of the day after Trump was elected. I teach at en elementary school with predominantly Native American students. The day after trump was elected. Several students also said they they cried after Trump was elected. I told them I was similarly affected by the nightmarish outcome. Some students (with what I remember as fear in their eyes) said they were afraid to come to school that day because Trump was elected. We have several hard core theists teachers and they were joyous about president Trump. Two continues to valiantly support trump.

Spot on. I don't understand how anyone who has the intelligence to renounce religion can support such an excuse for a human being . It beggars belief. This is a man who supports division, racism, greed, and who has been given power by people who deny evolution,global warming and believe that we lived alongside dinosaurs.

@delboy2kent Our situation is nothing like America. Yes we have the greedy self serving tories, but they are nothing compared to the parasitical Republicans. Our NHS is being destroyed by the Tories. As for Trump giving a shit about his own people, with his track record he cares nothing for anyone but himself. The Republicans monopoly of power (even when they are not the government) has to be diluted, and this dangerous child has to be impeached asap.

I've had to do the same with my family as well, plus some are super christiansand extremely delusional.

@delboy2kent Great are going to be belted for your comments.

Sometimes, I think people are ten times worse than the politicians they attack / criticize. Yes, if their party didn't win they lower their arms and senselessly wiggle their tongues during four years....when the truth is they should join their efforts to build a better country.

"Is not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country." JFK

I'm with you! Trump is the worst thing about our country since slavery. We will not be safe as Americans until he is GONE!

Damn right! If you're a trumpbilly (not you sunnysmiles) you are a rock short of a bag full. Are there actually dumpster-fire-atheists?

@pennyc14 For me it would be a toss up as to which would be worse.
A devote Christian would be a little less harrowing, but only slightly.


I have had many discussions with acquaintances of mine that supported, or still support, trump. There are three main reasons for their support in my opinion; they are unconsciously racist and hated Obama, they are unconsciously sexist and did not believe Clinton was capable to be President, or they supported him mainly on party lines. The question I always posited, and they would attempt to answer falling back on the three previous reasons without answering directly was, “ What, in his entire lifetime, has Donnie done to qualify himself to be our President and leader, or what has he ever done in his lifetime to help or aid anyone that was not a direct, and most consequential, benefit to himself first? Silence or redirect.

To me it would be like me, who is an finance admin for large service company getting a job as a CEO. Am I qualified in ANY way? Shit, no. Same thing.


Have NEVER been a fan of DT. As part of my due diligence during the campaign, I watched two documentaries about him, watched Frontline and the news shows and read one book. I knew I would never support him as a potential POTUS.

I actually cried the night of the election when I saw what was happening. I was incredulous. HOW could this have happened? How is it that SO many people didn't see him the way I am all of my friends did? What was happening in America? Was this the end of America as we have known it for over 200 years?

Since the election night, he has done not one thing that was Presidential or that would benefit Americans. He has alienated our allies and cozied up to our enemies and is now waging a very, very dangerous word war with Kim Jong Un while threatening to undo the Iran nuclear deal. I have never been so scared personally and for our country in my entire 70 years.

World War III starts over (excuse me, please) a FUCKING TWEET! I'm so embarrassed for our country.

I agree, I am very embarrassed and ashamed and scared. I don't remember much about the cuban missile crisis because I was a kid but I know a lot of people were scared enough to build bomb fallout shelters! I am that scared now but there's nothing to be done other than to let Mueller do his job--which he seems to be doing very effectively AND he's keeping his mouth shut--a near miracle in Washington, DC. I live close enough to a huge city that if there were a nuclear bomb, I doubt that I and the people in my area would be spared which in the end would be a blessing.

I AM trying to remain optimist and I've limited myself when it comes to watching the news. I live on a very limited income but as of January 2017, I committed to sending at least a token amount of money every month to a different group that would help fight DT's actions: the ACLU, FFRF, AHA, Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, DCCC, TYT, NOW and others. I also have marched (January 21, 2017) and participate in local politics when I can.

The bottom line for me is that once DT was elected it lit a fire in me that I MUST fight back in every way I can. I have never been this motivated so in a way, his election was a good thing. I and many of my friends are similarly minded and we have taken up the banner of freedom and we are waving it high as we fight to hold our ground on all of the important issues of today. So, here's to freedom, democracy and the separation of church and state!


i support his memes

we have voted for better comedic relief in the past


I can't think of a single day since his inauguration when there hasn't been some sort of scandal, incident, or negative event involving the Trumps or someone incredibly close to the Trumps.


Never will! He is just horrible!


Two steps forward one step back I call it. I was a Hill supporter and actively volunteered for her camp. Sure Bernie had a lot of good ideas but the country just wasn't ready for free college tuition for everyone. He had a lot of supporters but not enough to win the Dem nomination. I'm with him though when it comes to national health care. And not because that will benefit me because I'll be 65 next month.The sooner we see that and get it over with the better. That may be a tough slog though with 150 million in this country now though getting health care from their employers. One thing I do know for sure. A 2009 study done by Harvard medical school showed that if your a working age American and you don't have health care you have a 40% higher chance of dying then someone that has private insurance. The Republicans know this but having a massive tax cut for the wealthiest in this country is more important to them. As far as I concerned all Republicans that supported repeal of the ACA should be charged with attempted murder. What I find so unbelievable now is that Trump seems to be purposefully alienating just about every segment of the population. This last week it was women by signing an executive order that can remove insurance payments for 62 million women's birth control. Maybe we'll all be lucky and Mueller will find enough to get him impeached on sooner then later.


He hasn't said or done anything I can support. His refusing to take responsibility for his actions and the resulting consequences is not the action of any great leader in history. The clarity of what he supports is everchanging making him not one I would follow. His agenda is laughable. If you look at great leaders in history he shares none of their traits. He's undone what others before him without providing a better replacement. He doesn't inspire people to greatness. I feel the life being sucked out of me when I listen to him. He evokes feelings of distrust and wrongness. I can go on but I refuse to citing the disgust he evokes in me.

SamL Level 7 Oct 8, 2017

I don't like him.


Everyday he disrespects someone. You have to show respect to others to have any expectation of getting respect in return. No one is automatically 'entitled' to it. No I don't support him.


Trump is a flawed human being in many respects. He is unstable mentally, has demonstrated a lack of respect, empathy and compassion for others, is an habitual liar, and is concerned only for himself, his family, and his brand. Any other questions?


Glad I found this site. Always thought there should be such a thing like or something to that nature. Its a breath of fresh air to interact with like minded individuals who are actually informed on issues and enjoy intellectual conversation.


Absolutely not. He and his clown posse need to go. This country is falling apart. There is no making America great while he's running the show. He's a nut job!


What I want to see happen to SEWOL (Stinking Eukaryotic Waste Of Life - my name for Drumpf), his criminal family, and all who have aided and abetted him in commerce or government is probably not appropriate for this message board.


Absolutely not...everything he has done has been an embarassment

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