314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (26 - 50)

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Trump is brilliant at marketing aka propaganda; however, I find that he sells nothing more than snake oil and racism.

But you wait, "It is the greatest thing anyone has ever seen or done!" What the eff it is, nobody knows, but it will be epic!!!

It works though


we are watching him engage in the major meltdown that i've been talking about since after the primaries.

hes providing what i expected him to provide, some high quality entertainment


He lies (alternative facts) about 70% of the time. He doesn't understand nor respect the Constitution - per his comments on the free press and protesting. He is also clearly racist - per his comments on Puerto Rico and Charlottesville. So far he has done nothing good for the country. His actions have proven him to be a bigot, racist, homophobe and xenophobe. I do not respect anyone like that.

CS60 Level 7 Oct 13, 2017

He needs to be impeached for his conduct. His attitude against women, minorities. His connections with Russia


I would use a live rattlesnake as a condom before I trust Trump.

Holy shit, that is frikkin funny! And, a very scary vision! LOL

You win the best comment award! BTW, my dearest friend of 35 years is from Butler Alabama. What a small word. ROLL TIDE! I'd message you but I just joined and I can't. My email is if you care to message me.


If by support you mean voted for, I did Not. However, Yes, he if the US president but I would not take personal ownership and call him "My" president. I would say to a certain degree I do support him to make good decisions with the help and knowledge from those along side him. So far, I am greatly disappointed with how he presents himself through speech and action. I just hope as a nation we can pick up where our wonderful President Obama left off and continue to progress forward and not backwards into our horrible history.

RJAU Level 4 Oct 14, 2017

Hes a racist, sexist pig that should have never been able to run for president.

@Countrycuz666 My, my....are you comparing Trump's escapades with Clinton's??? Trump has screwed anything that walks. Interesting. Actually there is public domain proof of Trump being guilty of discrimination against blacks by denying them access to renting one of his properties.

@Countrycuz666 Seriously??? "It does not matter that he does what he says." Let's see if I can make sense of say he does what he says he'll do, no matter what is 'other' behavior is about?? Well, he promised to revive the coal industry, hasn't happened;
he promised to lower pharmaceutical drug costs, backed out;
would replace Obamacare with something better, came up with something worse; renegotiate Iran deal, just exits;
immediately terminate DACA, fed judge orders Trump admin to accept new DACA requests; suspend immigration from "terror-prone" places, then removes Chad from travel ban list; build a safe zone for Syrian refugees, amidst troop withdrawal announcements NOTHING; build a wall & make Mexico pay for it, has $1.6B secured;
no cuts to Medicare & Social Security, after tax reform passed, cuts are proposed;
end the defense sequester, it's still on the books rendered moot by spending spike;
expand mental health programs, budget offers new money but possible Medicaid changes could offset, i.e., nothing;
invest $550B in infrastructure & create infrastructure fund, just $200B in fed outlays;
take no salary, hasn't happened yet;
create private WH veterans hotline, nothing yet;
enact term limits for Congress, stalled;
impose death penalty for cop killers, not happening;
appoint special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton, not happening;
enact temp ban on new regulations, not happening;
eliminate 'Common Core', nope;
impose hiring freeze on fed employees, nope;
slash fed regulations, YUP now rivers and lakes can repolluted & we can gut out the Grand Canyon;
put lifetime ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections, ooops, not happening;
defund 'Planned Parenthood', not happening;
approve Keystone XL project & reap the profits, nowhere; achieve energy independence, snore....;
add additional fed investment of $20B toward school choice, nowhere;
eliminate wasteful spending in every department in first 100 days, still nothing;
open up libel laws to be able to sue those who write "negative and horrible and false articles...and win lots of money," nowhere;
cancel global warming payments to the UN, compromised;
close up part of the internet where ISIS is found, nothing;
bring back waterboarding, nope;
develop plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days, still nope;
establish commission on 'radical' Islam, nothing;
cancel Paris climate agreement, YUP, got it done & considered worst decision ever;
provide Air Force with 1200 fighter aircraft & rebuild 350 Naval ships & subs, cuz we need all this shit for war with those who have next to nothing;
ask countries we protect to pay more for joint defense, nothing yet;
guarantee 6-week paid maternity leave, nope;
change vaccination schedule for children, nope;
allow individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from taxes, NOPE;
allow free access to the drug market so providers of can offer safe, cheaper products, nothing;
increase Veterans' healthcare, not yet;
cancel funding of sanctuary cities, nothing yet; establish a ban on Muslims entering US, ZIP; use US steel for infrastructure projects, nowhere;
raise tariffs on goods imported into US, he's doing it carelessly, despite advice;
declare China a currency manipulator, a big NO;
adopt 'penny plan' reduce spending by 1% yearly (not touching defense or 'entitlement' spending, got nowhere;
save the Carrie plant jobs, had it for a few months then ownership stripped plant...gone;
eliminate fed debt in 8 years, nada...he just signed tax reform adding $1.5T in debt
sue his accusers of sexual misconduct, HAHAHA, yeah, NOWHERE & now he's buried;
not take vacations, HAHAHA, yeah, has more golf vacations than Obama had in 8 years;
release his tax returns after audit completed, NOT;
create targeted child care tax credits, up to 4, GONE;
cut taxes for everyone, especially the middle class, YEAH, the 1% are sure happy
cut number of tax brackets, repeal alternative min tax, eliminate carried interest loophole, ZIP;
Balance fed budget 'fairly quickly', HAHAHA, just added $1.5T in debt...fat chance;
create 10% repatriation tax, GREAT for sizeable corps;
eliminate estate tax, some compromise, but this is for the 'wealthy' only, don't get taxed only on dollars beyond $5M (individual) or $10M (married), this tax should be raised;
scale back Dept of Educ, he did hiring DeVos, a completely ignorant dolt of a person who has ZERO experience in education, clueless;

Churchill was not the 'nice guy' people have made him out to be, a ruthless character in his own right.

Trump's children are a mess; Don Jr is walking on thin ice and may face a prison term; he and Jared, even Eric are under scrutiny. Ivanka's business practices are being exposed for their manipulation in the labor market. Jared lost his 'top secret' status for stupidity. For two years, prosecutors in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office had been building a criminal case against them for misleading prospective buyers of units in the Trump SoHo, a hotel and condo development that was failing to sell. With their father, they coordinated false info given to prospective buyers. Manhattan DA, Cyrus Vance, overruled his own prosecutors and dropped the charges. A lot of money was exchanged, among other things, helped Vance's reelection campaign.

I could go on, and I've already provided a lot of info for you to get the 'picture' of who these people are as well as the fact that Capt Orange doesn't keep promises very well.

Your criticism of me is just the sound of a old bore who can't think well for himself. Why are you here???

@peaceman1948 You really know your stuff bro. Too bad the FOX news audience doesn't know these things.


Here's the bottom line, folks. ALL politicians are really nothing more than self-serving, ego driven Narcissists, who suffer under the delusion that they are better than most others in some way, and therefore think that they have some kind of innate right to act as our master.
Agreeing that others have some kind of right, obligation or duty to be your nanny IS a form of mental illness!! Why don't you just take 100% full responsibility for your own life and your actions in it? Or are you still too immature to know right from wrong, and so you need someone to take the blame for you when you make a mistake??
For someone to begin spouting off about a subject before they educate themselves as much as possible in that subject, are no better than a total fool who refuses to learn the facts.
We do not need to revamp the government at all, just learn that it's all done by the CONSENT of the governed, and then take our stolen powers back!


all politicians, that kinda sounds like a hasty generalization

Yes, it does sound like an unfair or hasty generalization, but then can you name me just ONE politician who is different than what I say they all are? Ron Paul was the only one of them who ever came anywhere close to breaking out of that broad accusation, but you don't see him around anymore now, do you?
Shitlery has got to be the absolute WORST of the worst when it comes to self-serving, diabolical, murderous, selfish, greedy and lying over inflated egotists that the planet Earth has ever had to be disgraced with, it's soiled by her mere presence here! And that's my high praise for that sleazy scumbag! And Dumpster is no better, so don't think that I'd ever approve of that pile of fertilizer who walks around in suits that cost more than many people earn in a month!


Wow, Randy. You obviously don't even understand the function of Government....

And Trump isn't even a politician. He dabbled in making "political" statements just because it got him more attention.

By FAR the vast majority of people who go into politics are different from your caricature.

Most who go into politics have a genuine desire to make things better for their city, county, state, country; whatever level they're at. Your definition or my definition of what constitutes "better" will obviously differ, but that's why the process of politics is to compromise. At least it used to be. Once upon a time there was a "loyal Opposition". Now the other party is demonized. I take it for granted that almost everyone loves America, but the form that love takes is the problem. Some want to love America by turning it into their idea of what it was in 1783 or 1850 or 1950, and others think the way to love our nation is to let the people who live in it do more or less what they want as long as no consenting adults are hurt.

Can I name one politician? Bob Corker. Jeff Flake. Sherrod Brown. John McCain. Al Franken. Al Gore. Olympia Snowe. I could go all day, but then my post would cover the page.


I give him all the respect he deserves. Zero


When Drumpf entered the race for President, I had a visceral negative reaction and nothing has happened since to change that. I'm offended by every indecent and immoral action he has made, i.e., his mockery toward a man with a physical disability, his inability to respect any woman ever, his determination to trample the Constitutional rights of anyone who opposes him and, last but not least, his inability to tell the good guys from the bad guys (white supremacists) and further inability or unwillingness to call them out. He is a disgrace to the principles of our Country,

Chesan Level 2 Oct 16, 2017

the feeling of a wet blanket soaked in a mild acid draped over my shoulders kind of sums up my visceral feeling

There is no such thing as white supremacy. Claiming it’s to blame for anyone’s woes is ignorant and racist . Denying history is being stupid . Just put your head in the sand. Colonisation is civilisation!

@Seriousreason Sadly for you, your statement is one of the most ignorant I've seen on this site. So sad. White supremacy is akin to 'white privilege' and it's very real and alive as we speak. 'Chesan' just stated the facts re Trump, so, how has he denied history, and what do you mean by "Colonisation is civilisation"??? I have my own idea of it but would like to hear yours....


Trump is an asshat who will kill the last few things good about the US.


Wanker! Dumbfuck! Moron, Dotard, Narcissicist, Idiot, etc, etc.

Couldn't say it better myself


Just read American Facists by Chris Hedges and you'll know exactly where this Administration is heading.


This is the most inept leader our country has ever put into the White House. He is always causing some stupid drama on Twitter, insulting those who disagree with him or his policies, and just a triggered special snowflake in general. And chances are, if you support him, you might be a snowflake as well.


F Trump


If I believed I would say he portends the end of times!!!

Well... it's possible that he constitutes evidence. I try to keep an open mind...


It is literally unbelievable that such an incompetent, lying ass is president of the United States. It is a disaster for common sense and democracy around the world.


He deserves the amount of respect that he has given Americans and the rest of the world: None.

after all he is only the President of the ELectoral College of the United States


trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

He is a spoiled, entitled, opposititional-defiance-disordered, psychopathic teenager with an endless arsenal of nuclear flame throwers at his disposal.

Trump was just a disgusting show-off until he ended up in the position of the most powerful person in the world. He didn't even think he would get the job. He would not have gotten it without massive social-persuasion from the Russians, and the rabid support of the American press. Trump is a "celebrity", and they capitalized on that, to the world's utter detriment....

@Seriousreason And you are just as bad condoning it with your own name calling and childish behavior, so before you start pointing fingers, look in the mirror.

Exaggerate much?

@β€œ support of the American press” wow . Lost for words.

@geeky1965 why should I rise above , I’m sick of pointing out logic , reason , self control and understanding. Can’t you see how destructive and divisive this hatred for one human being is ....Derailing Democrats bid for power by calling for impeachment. Like Russian collusion, Trumps impeachment has no basis in fact.


For the most part, I have taken the position that I don't care what kind of personality the President has. He could act like an ass, say ridiculous things, be a womanizer... you get the point. the President is, in a sense, our political boss. I don't have to like my employer personally as long as he runs the place well, treats his employees well and is generally fair. His personal life or character defects are his business. Jesus or Horus has never been a candidate, so lets not hold any of them to that standard.

But Trump is worse than an a-hole with typical character defects. IMO, Trump has never grown emotionally speaking, older than a 12 year old; when his father shipped him off to the military boarding school. you can see this in the way he responds to most everything . If you close your eyes, that is a 12 year old boy talking.

So in effect, we have a 12 year old running this country. Ok, the GOP likes him because you can steer a 12 year old into signing off on your stuff and tolerate the rest. But intentionally or not, through his childish behaviour, he is breaking down the checks and balances that are supposed to keep us from sliding into a dictatorship.

It's a simple path. make half the citizens your friends and turn them on the other half. Illegitimize the press and setup a news outlet of your own. Demean the judicial and assign judges there who are your people.Strong arm the legislative into doing what you want.

We lost our democracy years ago but we are headed to something far worse.


I do not support Trump at all. Not only does he not deserve the position that our outdated electoral college gave him, he is unworthy of the respect the office normally affords its holder. His campaign should have been over the minute he mocked the disabled reporter, and his continued lies are weakening not only our international stature, but our entire political system. He has not passed any legislation since assuming office, instead he is relying on executive orders to implement his plans. This tells me he wants to rule by edict instead of consensus. His insistence on evicting immigrants and on building the wall of separation at the Mexican border tells me he is an isolationist, totally ignoring the rich history of how this country was founded and became strong. Since his campaign and subsequent election, we have regressed as a society, undoing much of the social progress achieved during my lifetime (I'm 58). Trump is a cancer of the body of America, and needs to be removed as soon as possible so the healing can begin.


I find it hard to believe (but not really) that a site that touts reason and logic can still have members who support one of the most insane, unreasonable, hateful and dangerous misanthropes of our time. Evidently emotion still reigns supreme in some peoples mind.
Do I support this person - I am not a violent person but people as Trump deserve the same end as il Duche (Mussolini - executed by firing squad, hung upside down along with his mistress and-with the Italian mode of emotional excess left in the street for people to, lets say, perform certain bodily functions upon). I guess I am being emotional in this regard.

Thankfully there are very few here. I can overlook them if you can. They’ll find they’re unwelcome eventually & go away.

@Tampatomgirl I live in a very rural county (composed of >150 islands) of which is surrounded by more rural counties. They are all strongly Democratic. It depends on what county and, more importantly, what state.

Being a business person I could never have voted for Trump. Anyone who doesn't pay people they hire to do work for them and file bankruptcy not one not twice but 4 times and who has been sued as many times as Trump has should be banned from ever owning a business. Many small business owners were put out of business due to his non payment for work they had already done. No wonder there weren't a bunch of his fellow NY business owners standing up and endorsing him.

@Countrycuz666 Trump does dislike humankind and is a cynic simply by observation of his actions, does define as such...remember, he doesn't trust anyone, he's a classic narcissist


I was a plaintiff in the Trump University Lawsuit. We won, he lost to the tune of $25 Million pay back. The man child conned me out of $7,000. That swindle alone most will understand why I didn't vote for him, then add to the mix his Cray Cray approach to life and leadership and my objections to him are dyed in the wool and cast in concrete. NO I DON'T SUPPORT HIM.

He lost nothing in that lawsuit! I doubt you got your money back. 25 million is a drop in the bucket compared to what he raked in. Can’t wait to see him lead out of the White House in handcuffs!


Trump is the antithesis of presidential. He is nothing beyond a petulant spoiled toddler who has never been required to grow up. He surrounds himself with yes-men (or women), and is incapable of taking criticism. He seems to think the United States is a junior high school, for clearly he has never matured beyond puberty.

If he hadn't been born into money, he'd be nothing more than just another broke, loudmouthed, con man from Queens. He'd probably have done time by now.

@Countrycuz666 well, actually Trump is an empty suit with an empty head; he is incompetence on steroids, but he sure has been a 'lightning rod' for waking people up...that has prompted the current success of the 'blue wave'...Obama was smart and earned his accolades through law school legitimately based on his talent and intellectual skills. Where I balked was his ties to Wall St; that was an ultimate let-down


Mr Popovitch sums Trump up very well with this:

β€œThis man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerβ€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersβ€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.”-Gregg Popovich

We have a saying here in San Antonio..."In Pop We Trust". πŸ˜‰


No, he is not my President, and OP, please be aware, we don't all live in the USA. He deserves no respect as he shows none to anyone who disagrees with him, either within the USA or that much larger territory, that part of the planet that is not the USA.
The USA have had many past presidents, some better than others, some quite awful, but they have all been statesmen. How on Earth did a large minority of USA electorate think that Trump was fit to follow on from President Obama?

There was nothing 'large' about how he was elected, other than gerrymandering. The majority of the US citizens, minority included, did NOT vote for this prick. He did NOT win the popular vote, not by a long shot. This is another aspect of our inadequacies and lack of actual democracy.

A chimp could follow on fron obama.

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