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As a kid, I always felt uncomfortable at my relative's church. Never felt accepted. Now these same relatives are on my Facebook page. Everyday there is something about god, Oy. I actually skip passed each and every one of them. I find the posts so fake since most of us have "sinned" together. Some continue to "sin". Hypocrisy comes to mind. I just refuse to be a fake Christian or Muslim or human being. I am comfortable being an agnostic...very comfortable.

toots8735 6 Dec 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel you there! I'm always looking at my Facebook page and there are friends who are asking for prayers to help them or family members or friends to heal. I know that most of my friends are still going to synagogue or church and I even went a few times more recently to do a soul search for myself, after I separated myself from my abusive marriage. And you know what I found? A lot of the same old, same old, like when I was a kid - I remember sitting in the pew at Temple; wishing I hadn't come; not knowing any of the Hebrew; just sitting and listening and hearing the same traditional prayers - which are really just stories from the Bible. Stories that are meant to keep us from repeating the past. Only thing is, the past will repeat, no matter what if we HUMAN's allow it. It has nothing to do with God. If there is anything we need more of, it is positive thought, and actual faith in humanity. It's tough, these days to have that, but with love and - as my dad would say, "a song in our hearts," we will survive. That, to me is more powerful than believing in a deity and his prophets to lead my way, and going to a temple to pray.

LJay Level 3 Mar 3, 2018

there was a show on tv [ toronto] where a professor said. " I find religious people to be lacking in basic intelligence" are you brave enough to join the chorus ?

The guy's an idiot.


Its weird you say that because all of my non-friends in high school are now my friends on FB-most of them are Jewish-plus my cousins are too-happy when I say Happy Chanukah but it holds no meaning for me religiously


Block them.

I'm don't want to block them. It's easier to keep scrolling.????


If their posts bother you, you can simply block them.


You ever heard of catfishing? Open up another account. Invite your friends... you know the right ones. And start fresh on another profile in cognito. Wal la!


My parents divorced when I was three. That was ‘64. My aunts and my uncles shunned my brothers and I afterwards. My mother wasn’t a good mother after all. But after my father died, they all felt the need to come out and save me. I remember quoting Little Tin God by Don Henley to one just before he thankfully left me alone again.


Same. I just unfollow them. So, do not have "the call" asking why I unfriend them.

MoniB Level 6 Dec 17, 2017

Sadly many relatives who friend requested me on FB post that kind of crap all the time. Usually I skip past without even looking at it. Sometimes I'll read it and laugh, other times I'll read it and shake my head. I really try not to be judgemental of people in general but for whatever reason I tend to treat posts like that as sad and pathetic.


The meta-religion of hypocrisy?


I know the feeling. I had to disown my family. They're all religious zealots. They left me to die twice in my life because I didn't believe in their deity.


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