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Do you, once you hit level 7 or 8 quit posting and just make comments?

PickledRick 8 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Hahahahhaha something like that


I haven't made many posts at any point whilst I have been here.

Part of the reason is that I don't really have a lot to say that hasn't already been discussed on here to some degree - the same topics repeat themselves on a regular cycle.

Apart from which, I don't have an original thought in my head.....



I'm just doing what I did from the start, the level is not important to me 🙂


I've not made but a couple posts.
Don't really pay attention to the point thing.
I'm not agnostic so the shirt is of no use for me.


Ok, now I'm past 4, so they tell me I can create groups now.


I haven't quite got to 7 yet but i am not that bothered asbout the levels. I don't think it will make much difference to me - they won't send the level 8 t-shirt to Europe! I'm sure most people are like me - when something catches my eye I join in a conversation. When something strikes me, I make my own post. Other times, it depends if I am busy or not. At the moment I have a lot of spare time, but if I had my family around I wouldn't have any spare time, so I shall always be variable.


no difference


I am a level 7 and just keep on doing both. " I WANT MY SHIRT ,!!   "   Lol


Possibly, because I've posted most of the things I can think of already. I guess I need to be more creative!


I'm a 3.9. I don't see anything different since I was a 1.

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