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The origins of the supernatural/ mysticism

It has occurred to me to ask where did the origins of the supernatural and mysticism where theists cling to to explain what they don’t understand and the only thing I know is that it is primitive perhaps from the caveman and or natives however I want to expand on this by knowing more of this nonsense.

AJimboShep82 7 May 26

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If you thinks it’s nonsense why would you waste your time exploring it? The mind is closed. You will find nothing of use to you there under those conditions.

@maturin1919 Why would you think it is nonsense if you haven’t yet explored it? You will need to look into pre-historic and in more recent times pre-Industrial cultures.

Look at Clifford Geertz and Emile Durkheim to get an understanding of the sociological aspects of the cultures.

If you are serious in studying read The Sacred and The Profane by Mircea Eliade.

These routes will give you an understanding of how the ‘supernatural’ aspects of culture were/are important

@maturin1919 No of course not, but if you are a serious student rather than a debunker you need to understand it’s purpose in early societies which has lead to the various positions that different religions take now.

With regard to common sense it might be worth considering that celebrity culture takes on the role of religious fervour in C21st.

I am not criticising. I am suggesting to you that the roots go deep into both the psyche and time, and cannot be understood from a privileged Western 1st world perspective unless study of its source is undertaken.


I recommend reading Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. There were subjects talked about in the book that touched on these origins. They could provide a good starting point to further your educational endeavor. I appreciate your question and hope you are able to finds a lot of information to learn about it.

Thank you for your recommendation I will look for it on Kobo to further my thirst for knowledge; I recently came out as an atheist a years ago but always felt that god and religion was bullshit never had an interest in either even though I grew up with my mom and dad being religious but it wasn’t until a reverend retired I had an inclination to be atheist but at that time gave both another try but I really found out I should have been atheist came when I left the Mormon Church after many observations through the years whe they away told me pray to god and he will fix your problems and as I did that and found out that prayer is bullshit and thus god does not exist.


I would not necessarly call it nonsense, and please do not take that statement the wrong way. We know about the different species of hommo sapien sapien. And we know of the evoluntionary theories for the evolution there of. I have exstensive research in this area from a collective academic stand point, meaning I have spent over ten years covering the theory of everything. Let me tell you, it is far, deep, and wide. It is an exponential equation with negative roots.

The basic history shows that there existed four main cults that ruled over mankind, and still rule to this day. These cults are the root of our modern religiosity. They are propably not the first religious cults as we know thus far, Gobekli tepe only discovered a few years ago. And with that being stated, the numerous pyramids surounding the Earth are just now bcoming more mainstream.

What is taught in educational institutions is part of a controlled conscious reality. Their exists some 7 billion persons on the planet, and 3 billion of these humans believe in a solar deity, a lunar deity, and an ancient planetary deity.

This is really deep information. And it is probably best that I start the process and let you discover what it is that you are looking for.

The 4 main cults, their exist others or branches, are Cults of the Sun. One of the oldest known terms or expressions from ancient Affrica "Si Na", is believed to mean Sun Come, (linguistics master class knowledge off topic but related.) Cults of the Sun, Cults of the Moon, Cults Saturn, and Cults of Dionysus. Cults of the Snake are equally as important and existed before cults of merryment and wine, ie... Dionysus. I believe these Snake cults still exist, however went underground.

So lets get back to the four main cults.... Sun, Moon, Saturn, Dionysus. Before we go further I want you to look up the term Astrotheologia.

I am continuing ... the basics first... 1st day of the week is Sunday.... the day used for the worship of the Solar deity Jesus pronounced Hey Zeus. We will get into that later... the point here is Jesus is the son, and a Solar Deity whorshiped on a day named after the sun. The hebrew deity and father of Jesus, Yahweh.... or El, El Shadi, Adonai, ect ect... is worshipped on Saturday, or Saturns Day. The Sabbath is Saturday, not sunday. The jews are Saturn worshippers. The first name of their deity in history is El, El was also the ancient name for the planet Saturn. The Canaanites also worshipped El. These are historical facts. I am only giving you the surface.
Ancient Sin worship or lunar, moon, cults of the moon. Islamic faith, moon and star on flags. Star is venus moring star. Moon worship is Isis cults and Ishtar ...... are you starting to get it. This is the result, not the begining.
The Grecian cults of Dionysus, is the root of acting, and the Arts from pythagorus and his musical scale and mathematics. These cults commited human sacrifice, as did the cults of the sun, moon, and Saturn.

So the foundation is set forth....
Sun Cult - Christianity
Moon Cult - Islam
Fraternitas Saturni - Hebrew/Jewish/Hyksos
Cult of Dionysus - Fine human arts, Hollywood, Music Industry, used to propetuate human ideological consciousness, for Continuity of....

This is the basics. Do not judge what you do not know. This is all in the History Books. Start with Astrotheologia.... there exist ancient books on the subject. It is a Greek Term.

I need to go, there is much more here to discuss if you wish to continue. I hopes this helps. This info has been known for a long time.... long.

Etre Level 7 May 26, 2018

I know what your getting at there is a correlation between the planets and the deities something similar to astrology which coincidentally was used in ancient primitive times when they didn’t understand they assumed “god did it “ which in my opinion is a cop-out it doesn’t explain anything which does predate science and religion ...correct me if I’m wrong and thanks for the feast of knowledge.

The main component that I learned is that throughout history the ruling classes have always been there... then you get the priestly classes that circle the masses with a formative deity to worship. The lower conscious beings or servent peasent classes, are kept at a lower conscious level because they can not read or write. They only know what they are taught.. watch the film Apocalypto.... learn about the Sumerians. It will all fall into place.

@Etre I have seen that movie that was the one by Mel Gibson correct?

Yes, remember the eclipse... the priest and the king (educated class), new it was going to occur.... listen to what they tell the common worker class citizens....

@AShep82 incidently, the Mayans and Aztecs were Snake worshipers or cults of the Snake.


This is where it started for Western Civilization: []

Please correct me if I’m wrong but I may have interpreted that as it originating from the Stone Age in Turkey


Just my opinion but it is probably as primitive as humans.


Witch Drs /shamans be a good place to look trying to make sense of things that go bump in the night then using that fear to control others . Oh and a shyeah t load of drugs

I already know that the belief in a deity and following it’s corresponding religion was a way to control the masses to keep the people in line just from an observational perspective and being an ex Christian myself.

@AJimboShep82 ...but mainly to create functionality and structure in society. See the work of Emile Durkheim.


Magic practice, which is what religions are, has been around since the first person saw they could gain stature by professing it.

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