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LINK After you die, some things in your body keep on ticking, this video reveals | Science | AAAS

"When you’re dead, you’re dead—right? No pulse, no brain activity, no signs of life. But at the cellular level, things can still be ticking right along—cells and processes ignorant of the fate of the whole organism. And some things—such as developmental genes—even kick into gear."

NotConvinced 7 May 26

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Misguided people tell me that others come back from the dead all the time. Then they give ridiculous examples. I'm thinking that none of it happens once rigor sets in. That would make death pretty final.


Mary Roach wrote a book called "Stiff" in which she writes in one of the chapters that, after death, the body loses several ounces of weight. She named the exact amount which I don't remember right now, but it was the same for everyone. She wondered if this might be the weight of the soul. What do you think?

I think she is delusional and wanted to believe that in the first place. Keep in mind that the Bible never said you had a "soul." Instead it says you become a living soul. I would assume you could also be a dead soul. Having a soul is what religion tells you so that you can believe the myth of never dying.

Have you read "The Poisener's Handbook"? If you haven't, you might like it.

I don't believe in a soul. However, I also read where a scientist did the same thing with some dogs, and they lost weight, too. I believe all animals have consciousness in degrees. Humans have a higher degree than dogs and cats, and other animals. haha, maybe some humans have a higher dgree than other humans, just saying. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to equate consciousness with the soul.
Whe does conciousness appear in an individual? At the moment of conception, or after 3 trimesters? Some scientist believe that conscousness appears when an infant can recognize by looking in a mirror that somthing on his/her face should not be there, say a chocolate syrup drop.


I read a similar article a few months back, and that pretty much confirms the suspicions I had with so-called near death experiences, I knew science could provide a rational and natural explanation.


That is interesting. I knew that body functions didn't all shut down simultaneously, and that not all body tissues died immediately when the brain ceased functioning, but I never really thought about gene responses to death.

JimG Level 8 May 26, 2018

That freaks me out and when I am told it doesn't matter because I won't feel anything my answer always has been... "How many times have you been dead?"..... Truth of the matter is that we don't know.... dwell on that

@Ringo6 I hear you and all but....... I stand correct. How many times have you been dead?

@IamNobody I did my doctor of psychology internship in a locked mental health facility for the chronically and persistently mentally ill. During a group on current events, one of the patients said, "The first time I came back from the dead, I had a headache." Then another patient said, "That's so funny - the same thing happened to me!"

@Marika Gee that's scary stuff. That's my concern, we don't really know what happens once we are gone and we cannot take for granted that we won't know any better.


Perhaps, but you are still dead.


Interesting, thanks for sharing!

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