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What does love mean to you? Here is what it means to me.

What Love means to me:

  1. Giving as much as we get.

  2. Never intentionally demeaning the person we say we love.

  3. Confronting issues between partners together and not talking behind their backs to pretend friends just to get allies for the hurt we feel.

realdancermn 5 Dec 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't remember where I heard this, so I'm not certain how to source it, but I'm fond of the "fish love" analogy.

When someone says "I love fish", they don't REALLY love fish. They love to eat fish. Love the taste of fish. Essentially, they love how the fish fulfills their needs / wants to enjoy a fish meal.

Most love out there is "fish love". We love how others fulfill our own needs and desires rather than actually loving the person as an individual.


Believing the person you love is amazing and perfect even when they're flawed as hell, cantankerous after a long day, and look like they hibernated for a winter.


The deepest relationship you can possibly achieve. Knowing the other persons most intimate flaws and them knowing yours.


Accepting someone without judgement of character. If you start judging character then the "love" is forced in my opinion.

I will admit I did not give this post much thought. This is just my thinking at the moment on a personal level. I could be wrong.

Good point.


Love is giving of yourself-your body, your heart and soul to another person.


Never got to that level of calling it love and yet I practiced your 1, 2, 3 meanings with the Lady that be. SO...


Thats very beautiful. You put it well. Im getting older and so is my wife. Being kind and supportive. I attend my wife's functions. I just go with it. It's really the little things like asking her if she needs something before i sit down. She wakes me up with coffee. Love is awesome.

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