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What country or state were you born in?

I was born in Saigon, Vietnam in 1988.

Sarahroo29 8 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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27 comments (26 - 27)

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I was born in Uppsala Sweden when my dad was in medical school there. Once he graduated, we settled on a rural island on the Swedish west coast. Not a bad place to grow up; lots of beautiful nature, and a population that is mostly secular and relatively progressive. Religion didn't become a concern of mine until I ended up living in the American bible belt. I don't mind folks believing in odd superstitions, just hate when they try forcing others to go along with it.

Yep. I forgot I ever posted this. It was back from November.

I grew up in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, attending the Episcopal cathedral, which my father grew up attending. Christians have no idea how counterproductive it is for them to yell about their religion all the time. They're only turning people off. It's really gross. I'm very happy that I figured out as child that this story about an omnipotent deity is a bunch of nonsense.


I was born in Edinburgh which is the capital city of Scotland. My father identified himself as a freethinker and my brother and I were raised to read everything and to question everything. I met my husband who was from Belfast and moved to Northern Ireland on marriage. i couldn’t have moved to a more religious and less liberal part of the UK and although i have tons of friends and love living here, I don't know a single person who thinks as I do. Everyone here just accepts the they were born into and the one thing both sides do agree on is that there is a God. its just either a Catholic one or a Protestant one!

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