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What do you think of people that think all you need is the Bible?

I’ve actually met people who told me all I need is the Bible for knowledge. Everything you need is in that bible. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be stuck on stupid because everything you need to know in life and about learning isn’t in that one bible. I think a lot of religious people feel threatened by modern books. I could be wrong, though.

EmeraldJewel 7 Dec 20

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I think the Bible would only be necessary if a) I was on a desert island with no food and b) It was made from beef 😉



Not much ...


You're not wrong. They've never read the Bible without study guides or preachers just telling them what to read. Or they have been so thoroughly indoctrinated and they are so stubborn in their views that they can't read between the lines. Or a mixture of both - which is the case with my family. It's sad but those people are often too far gone to make a difference in conversation.


People will believe what they want especially less intelligent people. 99% of people that believe in a god are of average iq or below while above average iiq tend to be Athiest, Buddhist, Wiccan etc. And people with genius level iq tend to be Agnostics or Alien theorist


They better Not ask me to Loan them Money.

Lol that’s funny!


You should never read one book on a subject because books are written by different human beings. Different human beings interpret things differently so to get a good perspective always read more than one book. The same is true about the Bible it probably has mistakes in it to,, I'm sure.

dc65 Level 7 Dec 20, 2017

Personally, I try very hard NOT to think about them BUT when I do I fear for the future of Humanity since these are also the people who will be breeding some of the peoples of tomorrow.


Some people gain a false sense of security in staying narrow minded, like living in a "mental box" to avoid cognitive dissonance.


You would think that if they really believed that, they would read it. Try quoting Isaiah 45:7, and watch their eyes loose focus. They don't worship God, they worship the Bible. They view it as something to worship, not something to read. (as in cover to cover with an open mind)

That verse always baffled the hell out of me! That little bastard was cocky enough to freely admit to creating all these horrible things.

Exactly my impression. They idolize the actual book, and are breaking one of the ten commandments in doing so, the second I think. They turn the book into a graven image, and commit idolatry.


stop breathing and it will become obvious very quickly that is not the case.


Good luck with that.....


I have the impression the the very same people holding up the bible as "the only book you ever need" have not even read it. It is so idiotic to say that. Not even an atlas? A dictionary? Well, phone books are going out off fashion (all printed books are) but JEEZUS . And I'm saying that as someone still identifying as "sort of" christian. But not THAT sort of.


I spent some years hitchhiking alone across the globe, & on many occasions faced difficulties & dangers that were life-threatening. I carried in my back pocket, a handwritten copy of both Rudyard Kipling's poem, 'If,' & Max Ehrmann's poem, 'Desiderata,' which I still have to this day. Together, they were my bible & gave me the strength needed to overcome all obstacles.
I never taught either of my children to follow my religious beliefs but did insist that they kept copies of both these poems & to read through them periodically. In these later years, they have both thanked me for this.
I changed the last line of the last verse of the poem 'If,' from, "You'll be a man, my son" to read as "You'll be a grown woman" so that it was more befitting for my daughter.


If the bible were re-vamped to be a guidebook to wise quotations, parables & fables with some honest & sensible facts, like the commandments, thrown in, then I would approve of it being taught in schools. This book contains sufficient excerpts, written by our forebears, to help pave the way to a better breed of people & then the Neandertals might finally become extinct.


I find these people scary, mainly because they're allowed to vote.


Um... my sister never told me that. But she knows I can grow larger like a cat in a fight and my eyesight can be fixed in the back of her head while I display this insane laugh before I request to repeat last thing she said.

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