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If "god" fixes all ailments, why do religious people trust doctors and science more than "god"?

Nicosfzr 2 Oct 7

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I think many religious people have a subconscious tendency to have a "God of the gaps" where they give all the unexplained and unknowable items to "god" and all the rational and "fixable" items to science.


Now your thinking...
Well some will tell you god gave doctors there brains and abilitity to learn so doctors are doing gods work...
My quess to them is often so god has no power or why does god need human to do his work if he real. You often get strange looks from them.
Just another way to try to justic why god won't heal them.. The just say god is controlling the doctor. Interesting to hear what they say when someone still dies under god rule...
Very weird thinking


They're covering their asses in case they're wrong or you could say they're stacking the deck.

SamL Level 7 Oct 8, 2017

cuz god put the doctors there to heal them


I also like all those faith healers that claim to cure so much, but who can't grow back a limb.

And why does this powerful and loving god create salamanders and insects who are able to regrow limbs, but not his greatest creation, humans? Hmmm, could it all be bull?


There's a lady who grew up as a Christian Scientest who lives across the street. Her past had an impact on her, now every single medical issue she has she posts on Facebook. Even the tiniest scratch.


Well, maybe because a lot of people are "born" in a religion or another and are told that they are christian, jew and so on but don't actually care.


Probably because in the late 1800s, Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science went head to head with medicine. CS burst out of the gate and took a healthy (pun intended) lead, principally because medicine, at the time, was doing more harm than good. When medicine started getting its act together, CS pulled up lame. (If the next 1,000 people to walk into a GP's office were told to go home and do nothing about their complaint, 850 of them, within 6 weeks, would see whatever was bothering them completely gone. The other 150? Well, that's another story.


Post-op they still say "thank god" or talk of being "blessed," doctors therein are the agents of healing and it was god's plan/will that they succeeded.

But if the medicine/operation fails they'll still go after the doctors/science instead of "god" because logic (or a lack thereof).


Because deep down, most of them aren't as sure of their convictions as they would like others to believe. They know it's all bullshit on some level. Otherwise, more people would forgo the operation and simply lie in bed and pray.

Which infuriates me. How about thank the doctor, you ingrate!


Because while Theists are fond of saying "There are no Atheists in foxholes" (not true at all), I like to say "There are very few ardent believers with potentially fatal health conditions".


Ironically, I don't think that they realize they do. When they get sick--especially if it's serious, they run to a doctor, but still continue to "pray." Although in extreme cases, they won't seek medical help at all.

What's really funny is that when they do recover they give the credit to god rather than modern medicine and doctors.


To put it simply, they believe anything good that happens to them is because of their god(s), so if they get treated by doctors and science, it's because their god(s) put those doctors and made that science available so they could be treated. There are a lot of stories of god(s) helping people through other people, so people don't just expect direct help from it, as it will never come anyway.

MarcO Level 5 Oct 7, 2017

Honestly I think they know that they will likely die if they don't. I ask the same question a different way. If people believe that they're going to heaven why do fear death? Why bother going to doctors? Why not pray for death and disease.


Lost lambs, maybe. Confused, "bewitched, bothered and bewilldered" are they. The shepherd must be taking to long to pee.

There's always relief from alchemy and homeopathy all over the internet. You just gotta trust yourself

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