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God is a ____________?

Marcus_Angelus 6 Dec 21

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Figment of the imagination!


Man made construct. A tool used by those in power to exploit the masses and keep their power.


Homophobic misogynistic genocidal egomaniac that is unworthy of prayers and worship


A man who lives in the sky, like Sant Claus and all dead people, possibly the tooth fairy is up there too and most certainly the devil. He god (and he has to be a he no matter what) has supreme power and is omnipotent which is why we don't get to see him down here . And here endeth the lesson.



EMC2 Level 8 Jan 11, 2018

pointlessly abstract and ultimately indefinable representation of destructive patriarchal domination


A mythological character (man or woman) used by immoral unethical popes, uh I mean individuals, to create a fear based system of controls, as well as to manipulate and steal from those that buy into a false belief system based on the aforementioned character.


god is a top money making scam,tax free too


Crutch - used to hold up beliefs of faith, which are unsubstantiated hopes for good things (like Santa). Heaven = reward for people who have faith and will give large sums of money to other people who promise to get them into heaven. Sins = things that don't work in our societal structure.

PEGUS Level 5 Dec 31, 2017

...myth to brainwash and control the masses through fear and prejudice.


Issue laden, self righteously vapid entity, that's obviously Dunning-Kruger, and dangerous to anyone's mental health. Be on the lookout for him and if found, report him to a mental health facility for a long, well deserved and beneficial stay that'll save humanity from it's own self destruction.


god is a "has been".


A concept and a source of solace to some. It's also a bit of a cheat. As when Issac Newton couldn't figure out celestial mechanics; he said and here is where God takes over.


Reference to the terminology that is used to point to the concept that describes the source of our existence.

Donna Level 6 Dec 27, 2017

Sociopath. As Dawkins said, and I quote, "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Jealous and proud of it; A Petty, Unjust, Unforgiving Control-Freak; a Vindictive, Bloodthirsty Ethnic Cleanser; a Misogynistic, Homophobic, Racist, Infanticidal, Genocidal, Filicidal, Pestilential, Megalomaniacal, Sadomasochistic, Capriciously Malevolent Bully."


Reason I drink.


sadistic asshole if he were all powerful, all knowing, the alpha, omega, beginning and end!!! 😟


A manifestation of man's ego.


Concept that humans once needed to cope with how little control or understanding they had of the world around them. At it's basic level, still used to cope with things that are difficult to understand.


god is the refuge mankind look for to find answers to everything unsolved.
god is nothing more than painkiller, a sedating pill or even a drug to calm our worries. thats why it is said religion is the drug to people.

Basem Level 7 Dec 25, 2017

Cash cow.


evolutionary adaptation.

skado Level 9 Dec 24, 2017

There does seem to be some evidence that this is a belief system that can bind social groups. It also creates "the others" who don't believe. However, there is also evidence that when monks & nuns are in deep contemplative prayer circulation to the right parietal lobe is restricted, giving the individual a sense of being a part of something other than "self". In other words an out of body experience.

@BCCPT2001 Thanks. I hadn't heard about that. So interesting what we find when we go looking with science.


God is a thought in the mind of God.


Figment of imagination that weaker minds cling to for security.


An excuse for random strangers to be on my porch!

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