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LINK The Culture Behind School Shootings

Reasons beyond guns...

Krish55 8 May 30

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Malcolm Gladwell put forward an interesting hypothesis that school shootings inspire copycat behavior, and that the mass shooting at Columbine was ground zero for the phenomenon.

I thought it was an interesting take on the issue, and seemed intellectually sound.

I agree, and it seems to be a game like mindset here. The next shooter will try to get more kids killed than the last one did. Kind of like the "knockout game" that went around for a while. Also note that someone tried to market a real game for this called "the active shooter."
Another thing I consider in these shootings is a lack of values. I'm not talking god and religion. I'm talking about how everything changed when parents could no longer discipline their children. No one cares enough to do so today.


Left out of the article is any mention that nearly all the shooters have been on psychiatric medication.


Can anyone explain why the media ignores this data, and why the public is not screaming for reform?

That's a very good point! That should be mentioned in the media. I never knew that.


The article has some points to consider. There is something beyond guns but what is it. Guns have always been around. When I went to high school I belonged to the rod and gun club. We carried . 22 rifles into the school and shot targets in unused classrooms. Kids carried guns in their cars so they could go hunting after school. No one shot at each other. If a fight broke out, it was fists behind the building, you didn't come back with a gun after your ass was kicked either.


SDO seems to be the bigrst thing: []


I think this may point us toward what is going on:


Interesting article.


Also most of these knuckleheads share a common interest in far right web sites to reinforce their sense of frustrated entitlement. Whether, racist/white supremacist, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic etc. most are regular visitors to these sites. SPLC and Extremist Watch are 2 good websites I use for this info.


I pass. Remove the Fucking Guns of civilian population and see how everything falls in place.

Heresy! Blasphemy!

@bigpawbullets he, he, ha, you crackers, crack me up.

Gipsy!!! "Cracker"? Is that the best you can do?
Where's my gun?

@bigpawbullets I am saving it for some degenerate, you cool.


The USA has become the wild, wild west, shoot first and ask questions later! It makes you famous for a little while before the next gunslinger arrives and takes away your fame.

We've been "The Gunfighter Nation" for over 200 years.

@bigpawbullets gunfights did not happened like in the movies but they happened a lot. Horse by, ride by, run by, hide by. Shoot the fella in the back. It was the wild west, but no johnny ringo speaking latin.

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