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LINK PepsiCo: Inside company’s ‘diversity drive’

Times they are a changing, finally, maybe.

Rugglesby 8 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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A couple of people have hinted possible ulterior motives, and I agree, there are benefits for the company.
It means they have staff available at holiday times without penalty rates, already many people are entitled to take extra days for their religion if not gazetted public holidays, so these would be saved, and other people take the days off regardless so reduced capacity on those days.
So, I think a bit of a win win.


It's an intelligent business decision. A lot of white males consider the best people for leadership roles to be other white males. If I need ideas on building a business, I don't need a panel of white males, I need a large selection of ideas. Typically if you have a group of people all of similar background, you're limiting your scope of knowledge.

To be honest, I don't care about anyone's background except that I want diversity to build a stronger team. Do I want some white males, yes, do I want all white males, fuck no. I also want some women, and multiple minorities, and different sexualities, and different religions, and different socioeconomic histories. I want great people, but a large diverse selection of great people.

Take any group of 12 white males and then 12 people all of different backgrounds and 100 times out of 100 the diverse group will come up with more ideas than the 12 white males. In most cases purity of classification develops weakness over time.

And the 12 white males would get into a pissing contest over which of them had the best idea


I used to work for a large state wide non profit agency that oversaw funding for violence against women programs. Our holidays were set up that you could schedule them for your benefit or beliefs. We also had health insurance that not only covered a traditional family but also domestic partners. We had very fluid time off and work from home polices in addition to every person receiving a livable wage and if an employee had to go out of town on work related business and was also a parent, their babysitting costs were covered. So it is possible to have this type of work environment but corporations always worry about profit margins and bottom lines.


hmmmmm...good idea to allow flexibility and inclusion into the work place. I find it curious that the usual zealot holidays are mandatory though.


Interesting idea. Would be good to hear the pros and cons...

KenG Level 6 May 31, 2018

I'm very skeptical.


Well alrighty...!


Good idea!

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