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I always found it strange that the religious would more than likely side with the republicans rather than democrats. The democrats , although just as corrupt as repubs these days, have a message that is much closer to the teachings of their so called leader.

Kojaksmom 8 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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what comes after the Trump administration?

dc65 Level 7 Dec 23, 2017

Time for a third party methinks

@Godlesscarl I agree with you a third-party is what is needed in this country hopefully Trump has caused this to happen neither Democrat or Republican party is working for the average American person.

Nuclear winter?


I disagree a bit. It seems republicans have pretty much completely sold out to big money interests, while democrats have only half sold out.

Republicans use hot button issues which inflame single issue voters, like gay rights, abortion, gun control to get votes, but do very little on those single issues so they can perpetually use them again in the every election yer after year. In the mean time the legislation they pass favors the rich and big business over individuals stackign the deck so that unless you are born into money, chances are no matter how hard you work, you will never get into hte top 1% of income earners..

Democrats on the other hand, still value people over profits and will fight for equality and the littel guy. Even if they have to cow tow to big business somewhat in order to get funds in order to get into office, they have not yet completely sold out.

Still, I cna understand you feelings about it. I often feel the choices on election day is to vote for a corporatocracy (republicans) or to vote for coporatacracy light (democrats). I susually vote fo democrats, but sometiems will vote green or even socialist (if democratic socialist instead of rigid Marxist).


The answer is simple" Far too many evangelicals have compromised their integrity, their morality and their religion in a lust for political power to enact their theology into law.


Im still feelin the Bern


Tis the Republicans who are corrupt… They cultivate the ignorant, as do religions. They provide simple answers to complex questions. They provide an authoritarian, generally paternal figure to ‘lay down the law.’ They love power and punishment.

‘Religion: to the ignorant, true; to the educated, false; to the rulers, useful’

Learned something lasting from college law enforcement classes, in order to battle criminal behavior, you often become very close to it. Not pretty, but real. Purest Democrats lose, just as naive cops get killed… No one wants to fight dirty, but if you plan to win - you’d better know how ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 21, 2017

So basically you're saying that people have to fight by the rules their opponent set up, am I correct?

@dc65 People must be capable to ‘fight fire with fire,’ or be consumed ~



skado Level 9 Dec 21, 2017
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