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Anybody else out there who is owned by a critter?

I'm not my dog's owner; he owns me. Anyone else in a similar circumstance?

tioteo 8 May 31

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There are 3 chihuahuas that think I am an adorable substitute for brother in law that died on November. I gonna break their hearts when I leave. I been around many but I had never been Primary Owner of Anything Alive.


Aye, I'm owned by this cat:


I'm "staff" to two cats. The dog and I are constantly reminded of our status in the pack by these two.


No, as much as I love animals, I don't want to be tied down by owning one. My son recently put down his dog, and she and I were very close 😟 I'm lonely at times living alone, but hope to find human companionship, lol.


I don't own any of my family or vice versa. One of my dependents is much furrier than the others.


I'm owned by a 14 year old mutt, and a large 4 year old German Shepherd. Both rescues.


Somewhat, I have a German Sheperd that belonged to my ex-girlfriends father. Her name is Avery and she's very particular about people. She especially hates men and it took years for her to warm up to me.

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