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This meme was making the rounds last year on FB. At the time, I thought that this could/should be a possible scenario but...... today, as much as I would like to see this happen, I don't know if it's possible. There is so much divisiveness amongst us anymore.

What do you think? Would you like see this? Why or why not. Is it even likely, considering the current attitudes of so many?

BeeHappy 9 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I really like this because diversity makes us better people. When I was in Israel back in college I was a poor student staying in youth hostels and giving tourists tours of the Old City for tips and commissions from the Arab merchants who love Americans. They were Muslim. I met an Arab guy who walked with a cane and spoke perfect English. He was the most polite guy I ever met and he was an Arab Christian. Also during this trip I met Israeli Jews. I have a picture of the members of my youth hostel: Lorenz who was German but didn't know about the Holocaust till we went toYad Vashem-memorial to the 6 Million. Two guys Steve and ____from South Africa, a guy from California named Barry, my Israeli friend Jackie, and a bunch of Israeli soldiers in a tank plowing through the once in a lifetime snowstorm. We all built a snowmen for the occasion.


I find talking to Christians about my beliefs most of them get angry and I tell them if your religion makes you so angry maybe you need to get a new religion that's why I am an agnostic and also skeptic we all know there scientific proof of evolution and no proof that God created us


This happens all the time in urban Canada, doesn't it happen everyday in the urban West?

I suppose part of the reason I posted this was to find out. I'm happy to hear this for sure. And I don't know how common that is for the US, I don't see much of it.


This meme is actually my life! The guy two blocks down is Jewish, the neighbor across the street is muslim who is housemates with a christian. We talk, we laugh and we're not assholes. We have so much in common besides religion (or lack of in my case). For one thing we all strive to make our corner of the world a better place through tolerance, and compassion.

I think that if we truly give a shit and try to do right by others silly distinctions that could drive us apart (like religion, race, gender, age, political party, etc.) just don't matter.

Awesome! Thank you for sharing!

That's what I agree with I have problems with that, set your religion to the side and be courteous to people


I have had many religious friends. I accept them as they are and we’re friends despite that. It’s only the assholes who try to push their agenda that you can’t be friends with.
I had a gf who was Christian and we broke up for that. It was her choice. I was happy to let her think what she wanted w/o criticism. Sigh.

I think I would have told her if Christianity makes you that way maybe you need to change religions

Sigh. She was troubled can too.

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