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Should health insurance companies be required to cover birth control?

Should the government decide what businesses provide?


Should all forms of healthcare be offered without picking and choosing by the company?

  • 44 votes
  • 3 votes
  • 3 votes
silvereyes 8 Dec 22

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I'm not at all surprised by the results of the poll so far, and I can't help but add my little "in the UK" anecdote. I imagine you've heard of the NHS, the best free healthcare provider in the entire world. My father is now cared for by the NHS. The nurses are efficient, personable and compassionate, and they don't cost us a penny. The entire institution is based on giving care to anyone who needs it for no up-front cost. So birth control is available to anyone who wants and/or needs it. I approve of this. Any organisation, private or national, that is dedicated to providing healthcare, should not get to nitpick as to the people for whom it administers care.


Of course, because it is a necessity when you don't believe in abstinence and you are too poor to pay for it. In Canada, it is even free for men to have the operation vasectomy, I had it when I was 27 and I am very glad I got it. I was too poor to have child and it was like this until I was 50 so too late to have kids, thanks sciences!

Erik Level 3 Dec 22, 2017

Of course...


I had to go with other. I personally don't believe the company I work for should be involved in my healthcare at all, or insurance companies. Maybe I misunderstand the stance on this issue, but isn't the going argument right now, companies providing birth control, or refusing to? I'm a strong advocate for universal healthcare. Taking out any involvement of employers, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. My health should only be between me my family and my doctor.

@MrLizard I'm force-ably doing so now. We're in the realm of religion being involved with government and employers enforcing their religion upon us. When the government allows employers to deny employees this option, religion becomes involved in government. If I'm not mistaken, that breaks the rule of separation. And I could go into a well of thoughts to use against employers, boards of, CEO's, who hypocritically go against their self proclaimed religion to degrees. Proving they are plainly use this as a means to save money. I think my stance on socialized healthcare and my statement of my health being only my, my family and doctors business speaks for itself. I totally agree that if were going to keep the system as it is then employers should have no right to deny birth control.


yes, and believers should be required to take them

turf Level 5 Dec 22, 2017

Yes. Yes. Yes
Those pills cost hardly nothing. What's the big deal. It's like any other medicine.
I'm thinking the insurance companies do not want to be held responsible for an unplanned pregnancy.


you are tlking about healthcare plans, employers coose the plans that are long as male sexually related needs are covered so should womens thinking viagra



Yes, unless they'd rather pay for maternity leave or child care.

SamL Level 7 Dec 22, 2017

??? Uk based with free healthcare including contraception.


Only if the law is requiring a person to have health insurance.


I voted 'Yes' but there need to be some qualifiers added here. A question: Should kosher delis be required to sell pork? If so, why? Should a sporting goods store be required to sell tutus? Should a photographer who specializes in portraits be required to do landscapes?

You see where this is going, right? I agree that birth control is not only a necessity, it is also crucial to the future of our planet that we educate people in their use and the long term advantages accruing from controlling population growth, but there is the issue of rights for the businessman.

Perhaps it would be better if it were put in another way. How about, if you are going to engage in the sale of insurance policies for human health, you must also provide a birth control option for clients who want it?

@silvereyes and @MrLizard -- Please note that I voted 'Yes'. I have some reservations about how it can be implemented without stepping on the rights of the business owner as well. I designed and built custom yachts, and it was well within my rights to not do powerboats or submarines or to refuse service to someone whose hair I didn't like. I didn't, but I had the right. Mandating that a private business owner do anything is one of those slippery slopes so what I'm saying is that it needs to be considered carefully from all angles.


Not sure birth control is like condems you don't need them you just want them but tampons yes.

@MsOliver how is that our fault its called birth control forgive us for thinking its only for controling birth dam

@MsOliver 1. I don't watch the news or watch tv so its your fault for assuming I do
2. I'm not a licenced physician so the whole point of this poll was to get everyones unbiassed oppinion.
3. Yea viagra is the same thing as a condom no one needs sex they just want it, so it was on the same list as birth control(until now). I just wished you could have been more possitive sharing the information.
4. I don't think religion should have any say when it comes to medical pratice I'm prochoice and have seen the negativity practiced by x-tians when normal people don't do what they say so I could imagine the struggle.

@MsOliver yea to prevent STDs which is a side affect of what?? Sex. And if I didn't type anything than I wouldn't of found out about any of this so no I do not regret any of what I said. Also in america the 1st amendment is freedom of speech so you have every right to be a $&#*


Of course! Birth control is just part of life! Most other countries provide it as part of their medical services. Also we are so overpopulated now, there are not enough jobs available for all people. and history shows in overpopulated societies crime soars and wars break out! That is my theory and I am stuck with it! LOL


Our bodies is our own property and our own responsibility. It is not our corperations, Religions,or Goverment responsibility.

The main purpose of a Government is only to protect us. In Europe they have some schools that give lessons in love and the they work very well for sexual relationship and proventble abortion.

What is the difference between a lightbulb and a pregnant woman.

You can unscrew the lightbulb.


Especially if they cover Viagra.

Gary Level 4 Dec 23, 2017
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