How would your siblings react if you came home and told them that your girlfriend or wife was pregnant by an invisible man? Having four sisters and one brother most of the teasing would come from my sisters. They still tease me about relationships I had 30 years ago.
Joseph was Mary's husband as defined by the time. The idea of immaculate conception was very popular in the Greek and Egyptian gods. Bottom line -- gods came down, had their way with women and then left. Another way to look at this in more primitive ways: you have a daughter or wife and she has never lied to you about anything (lies always come out sooner or later). Wife -- you've been away for some time, come home to find her pregnant and she swears that its a miracle -- you believe her -- so immaculate conception. Your daughter turns up pregnant, she swears she's been with no one, you believe her -- same thing. Tennessee has a Blue Law that says men and women can not swim in a public pool at the same time and that there must be an hour between when men swim and women may swim. Gee, I wonder how they came up with this/
That swimming law can't possibly be still enforced. Parts of TN are fairly progressive....well compared to much of the bible belt anyway.
I could certainly see it at a church camp though.
Depends on the church. The church inflicted on me had a rule against "mixed bathing" while my older siblings were teens. But about 15 years later there was no issue with it.
Of course, the entire playing records backwards to hear "satanic messages" was going on then.
Which I thought was hilarious and completely goaded on ruthlessly.
Does that make me evil?
People would be more likely to believe it if you were a woman - misogyny.