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TV or not?

How many here have pulled the plug on their tv?

  • 68 votes
  • 25 votes
sloryd 7 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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In the middle. I love my TV, but I haven't turned it on maybe for about 2 weeks? I love video games but sometimes I need a vacation from it, especially since I'm too poor and only own 3 games, they get boring after the 45th playthrough. Sometimes I'll watch movies or netflix and sometimes I just read and sleep for weeks at a time. Ask again next week and I'll be obsessed with my tv again

I find myself repeatedly playing through Fallout: New Vegas, Skyrim, and Minecraft. Every once in a while I'll play a new game, but I spent almost all my gaming time on one of those. Modding definitely helps extend the life of a game

@ghost_warlock I've played skyrim to death. It officially lost its luster about 5609th playthrough. I've wanted to try fallout but again, poor. I've played the three dragon ages so many times that I've unlocked all of the achievements including the rarest ones, and dated every character, every ending. I sometimes throw call of duty in just because mindlessly killing people is cathartic lol

@LadyAlyxandrea hey, they've done studies that suggest that people who play violent video games are actually less likely to go on a real life killing spree because they get it out of their system. It is absolutely cathartic!


Wish i would as there is much else I can do, but basically lazy and lacking meaningful motivation; Fine with that- For now!

we just had around 6 months of bone-chilling cold. There are days I dont want to get out of bed! I love T.V. and books and internet and puzzles etc. Anything to occupy my mind when Im freezing!


Bought a new smart TV two or three years ago.
Doubt I've had it on half a dozen times.

I have a TV ... go for a couple weeks at a time w/o turning it on. When I do watch, it tends to be something of an educational nature - public TV, BBC, documentaries, etc.


Not watched since May 12th 1988.


I love to be entertained by TV


I haven't had cable or even a working antenna on my TV for several years. I don't miss it. When I visit someone's home and the TV is blaring commercials and such several times an hour I remember why.


I quit watching 25 years ago.


Too restrictive a choice:

  • live TV, no, only some news services, largely foreign;
  • reality TV - never!
  • local TV, no very rarely now;
  • stream quality shows I choose very carefully, yes;

I make TV work for me, meaning I take from it very selectively, only what I want, so neither fine with nor couldn't live without;

I couldn't agree more with your first and last sentences.


I detest television. I've not had one in ten years.


I watch TV online... No commercials, only the shows I want to watch, free as long as I have access to WiFi, and at whatever hour of the day I wish, so long as an episode has already aired. Frees up a lot of time to do other things besides flipping channels until something good comes on. And the internet is my DVR with unlimited storage capacity...


Life is hard enough....but life without Dr. Who and The Big Bang Theory would be unbearable! LOL and whatever would I do without "Ancient Aliens"!!!!!!!!!! I also enjoy the news and nature/travel programming on channels such as Nat Geo. I also enjoy TCM because I love movies from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. That said....I DVR everything and fast forward through all the commercials...and I watch my shows when I have time. The exception being the news which I watch live morning and evening when I can.


I'm a movie watcher but most shows on regular tv are an insult to my itelligence. So I have Netflix and watch dvds. I'm open to new series (Showtime, HBO, whatever) but I never watch the main networks.

Gaia is a nice site too


Ok here's the thing.. I could...but for one thing.. and that is the News. I am a news, current affairs, and documentary fiend. For those reasons it's hard to let go..?☹


Haven't owned a tv in a long time.


I feel as If there should have been another option other than I can't live without my TV. You would think that this site would include some gray area.

it's not the site. it's the person. the site has not created the poll.



I haven't had cable in over 20 years, and I can go days without even turning the telly on. If I do watch, and it's not Netflix/Hulu/other streaming, it's comedic news or sports. Rarely US, which makes things even more difficult.

Ozman Level 7 June 17, 2018

I didn't vote because it's not an all or nothing thing. But to me the question is just like the women who say they don't need a man. You can rationalize anything you want. But given the wide amount of things that television can provide, knowledge, education, entertainment etc., to say you don't need tv is to say you don't need knowledge, education or entertainment. You may not care what's going on in the world or you may use newspapers or computers instead. You may have alternatives for your knowledge, education and entertainment but most of the people that I run into who don't have a tv think it's a bad influence on their kids etc. To me that's total BS. That's like saying having access to society is a bad influence.

lerlo Level 8 June 25, 2018

i am disabled. i spend a lot of time on the edge of my bed, on this laptop, or in bed, sleeping, or in the kitchen cooking as fast i can so i can get off my feet. thrice a week i go to adult daycare, mostly because if i don't go, my guy, who has alzheimer's, won't go, and he needs it. i also have tinnitus, and need some sound to drown that out. at the daycare i am the vj and i keep the music going, which most of the others really enjoy and appreciate. when i get home, i want my msnbc so i can know what's going on and what it means, and my science channel, and my pbs, and my doctor who and murphy brown and it looks as if new amsterdam is also going to be worthy my time, not to mention the old movies i have always loved, and sometimes even shows i loved in the past. i don't watch any old crap. except for the two shows i just mentioned, i am pretty much network-free, but i can't afford a streaming service. so cable, expensive enough, it is. i like what i like and i learn a lot, and i supplement that with other sources too. tv can be a big brainwashing influence. my brain is way too dirty to be washed successfully.


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